Now you’re talking about what you can control. I’m not saying it’s unrealistic for you to not flame people. I’m saying it’s unrealistic to expect everyone else to behave that way as well.
Your telling me people can have both positive and negative experiences…and that not every player is the same…say what…
Reminds me of the time someone told me in TBC that Seed of Corruption did more damage than a sl/sl warlock casting Rain of Fire. He started off by saying something like “hey I’m a warlock main and …” then got into the suggestion. That’s a great example of providing criticism. Establish an ethos and remove insults, replacing it with observations of behavior.
Takes more effort than “gg dps sucks leaves group”
Yes. That’s what I was talking about. Like you said, we can’t expect others to live under our rules without having a measure of enforcement. We don’t, outside of vote-kick or key depletion. But that’s a different topic.
it absolutely happens, but the majority of players it happens to are the ones who are awful and refuse to improve under any circumstance for one reason or another. usually its the tired old line of “i learn differently. i learn only by doing. no i wont read, watch, or use any guide.”
Confirmation bias. It’s a thing.
You could play for a whole season and never encounter a single bad egg and you’d still have far too small a sample size to be able to draw any conclusions. Assuming you pugged 100% of it that is.
i’ll agree with that comment.
but that doesn’t contradict that the people who have the most responsibility get the most negative comments.
DPS players can hide their ineptitude and/or simple mistakes.
when a tank or a healer makes a mistake, it can instantly brick a key. It is pretty rare that such a circumstance exists for a DPS player.
when you tank or heal, you are constantly addressing the mistakes of other players. constantly. almost no one can make up for the mistakes of a tank or healer.,
I had a CoT run last night where the healer was struggling with the last boss and I didn’t manage my defensives as well as I could have. we had three wipes before everyone focused, figured out how to compensate for each other, up their own game, and finish.
fortunately, I suppose, everyone was off a little bit leading to each of the wipes. we tightened up, no one flamed anyone, and we won.
not everyone is on the top of their game all the time. and a simple misclick can cost the use of a defensive at just the wrong time.
there is little point in anyone flaming anyone.
I will always appreciate constructive feedback from good players.
but insults from mediocre (at best) players are a waste of time and have much more to do with the one making the insults than the one receiving them.
Yeah that’s true. We can all make up scenario where a bad dps is throwing insults at someone else to blame them. I believe the best way to counter flame and even criticism is self awareness. If you make a mistake and say it in chat people are way less likely to flame you, I have never seen someone mess up, say sorry, and then get flamed by anyone. Most flaming comes from repeated mistakes, like the same guy dying to avoiable swirlies 3 times in 5 minutes will probably get flamed, and they should specially if they don’t say anything. Because when they don’t say anything, to everyone else it seems like they have no idea how bad they play or they hope no one notices and just “get carried”.
Worst case scenario a DPS blames the wrong person and flames them, if this happens to you and you know it’s not your fault it’s easy to ignore, and in many cases can prove them wrong with logs or details addon.
Yep, and there are still people who want to improve and will appreciate being told what they do wrong.
Personally I had a run in one of the newer dungeons j was constantly spiking in health but the healer just powered through it and eventually finished and everyone left.
I had to go look up the dungeon journal to see what was wrecking me, I wouldn’t have minded if the healer would have said “hey when you see X move to Y to avoid damage.”
Sure, but your two dozen runs don’t really fill out the sample size.
We don’t necessarily see the toxic traits every dungeon. But every once in a while is enough to put us off. When all we do is tank/heal and get yelled at every few days it makes you throw your arms up.
Surprised this isn’t flagged into moderation heck yet. A group of folks must be at work or something.
But naw, new players don’t have it easy in content. Especially not random player content.
I had a similar experience but I stopped at ksh. Had only one or two depleted keys and everyone was fine with it. Mind you was my first time as a tank with no knowledge of routes or anything. I wont say people lie or dont encounter toxic folks , maybe I was just lucky
You’re right but they don’t need to improve. There’s zero need to force improvement on a player that is happy with their current skill level.
That’s where the problem lies. Some people do need to improve because they try to engage with content that isn’t meant for those who just want to game while drunk.
It’s like someone at a bronze rank attempting platinum-level content. Sure, you don’t ever have to move past bronze if you don’t want to, but don’t be shocked when people call out your bronze-level skills for not being up to par with platinum-level expectations especially when the bronze rankers are going into platinum rank content.
I am glad you did not experience any of this in your eight days as a tank. However, as a tank of 19 years, I’ve experienced it a few times. So we’ll give it another 18 years 11 months and 21 days and then you come back and let me know what that experience is like.
I hear you, but it’s not. Games with ranked systems have matchmaking systems in place to prevent that. In WoW, players should know how to do the content they are attempting but the game doesn’t teach it or enforce teaching it. There’s no matchmaking outside of timing keys to gain access to higher keys. We can want them to L2P before playing with us but they don’t need to.
what exactly do you think m+ rating is for? and warcraftlogs?
You’ve activated my trap card.
They made it to a rank you’ve invited at their skill level. Warcraft logs is a 3rd party and cannot be used in the context systems player by Bliz to indicate player skill. Bad players rarely, if ever, log.
I’ve been healing or tanking dungeons since 2005, I can count on my hands the amount of time people flamed me. Sure I can’t mathematically say it NEVER happens, but I can’t even say it’s a thing either.
do you just not read or do you think being pedantic is a cute personality trait?
Your lack of comprehension of what I’m saying does not warrant insults of my literacy.