Decided to see what all the rage is about how this community allgedly treats tanks/healers

I had a similar experience. Played my warrior as prot and tanked for the first time this season, no issues or anything.

Most tank classes are comparatively very easy to play, as long as you know the routes you’ll be fine. Figure out positioning as you come up in mid keys and it’s not bad at all IMO.

I think it’s not flat out made up, just greatly exaggerated. For example a tank gets told, “hey can you clip these groups together please,” or “I need a drink after this pull please,” and they come to the forums saying people are telling them how to tank, what to do, it’s horrible.


Yes and no. Not everyone will have the same definition of “getting flamed”. Some people, I would even say a lot of people, get irrationally frustrated at any comment on their gameplay that’s not blindly positive, and they call that flame. Many people consider basic criticism to be flame. And I wrote with this in mind. I wasn’t talking about getting spam whispered death threats and insults, obviously that’s unacceptable.


Any game with DPS/Tank/Healer roles will inevitably be consumed by Tank and Healer players saying that DPS players are toxic and [insert other insult]. Never having some self reflection as to why people might be yelling at them so often.

Yeah this. And for some reason it’s more socially acceptable for a tank to defend not knowing his role than a DPS.

Like a tank can come on here and say “I got yelled at just for pulling the wrong mobs and taking packs too slowly.” and find support, even though this is his role.

If a DPS came on here and was like “Man I cant believe my group yelled at me cause I was doing 600k DPS and didn’t kick anything, what a bunch of try hards” he wouldn’t be granted the same clemency.


I did the typical strat for the first boss of a 10 Stonevault, we downed the boss without a single death, and the healer threw a fit mid combat because I was destroying all the circles on the ground. He pitched a baby temper tantrum at the end of the fight and left the key over it.


I think the thing is what level of flaming we are talking about, everyone has a different idea of what’s acceptable.

I have no doubt that some people are horrible to others and take it too far, I’ve seen it in my groups and had it aimed at me before.

But I think it’s fair to say a lot of what is said is helpful, constructive criticism. But then the people being told take it poorly because they don’t want to be told how to play their game. It’s their money blah blah blah.

I’ve said things to people, quite literally said “hey we wiped to XYZ aura, next time if you get that run away from the group or it wipes us.” And then had that person swear and drop group. I thought I was being helpful apparently they disagreed. Whats the solution there? If I don’t say anything we wipe over and over.

I mean you said it already but yeah this summarizes just about every complaint thread I’ve ever seen


Yeah fair enough.

And these people are wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being corrected and if that criticism is wrong, whatever. People that have issues with that have other problems but it doesn’t change the definition.

I work under the rule that videogame criticism should be minimal and typically asked for. If you’re doing M+ over a 10 or you’re trying for heroic queen or higher, yeah I can see unwanted criticism to be given and warranted. Below that? Just play the game imo.

Flaming would be an attempt to get a rise out of someone which can come in the form of aggressively worded criticism. How would you define it?

That’s one strat, not the typical one. Tanks usually ask me how I want to handle healing that fight. I had someone offer 2/2/2 but I typically do the 3/2/3

What would you consider acceptable flaming or did I misunderstand you?

With the sensationalism I’ve read on this forum I have no doubt whatsoever that some of these folks would find it offensive being asked something like “Hey, I noticed you’re taking a lot of damage during pulls, are you keeping your mitigation up?”


Just because you had a good experience doesn’t mean you can dismiss or label other people’s experiences as made up. Recognize that your experience is just one among many, and that the reality of other players is also valid and deserves respect.


This is definitely not offensive. It’s a relevant question for the group’s performance. Offensive would be something like: “dude, you’re a terrible tank.” There’s a big difference between helpful feedback and personal attacks.


I don’t think actually flaming anyone is acceptable. But I also think a lot of people who say they got flamed were actually just given helpful advice.

If I flame someone that’s wrong. If I say politely, “hey Joe can you stick with us to avoid pulling that patrol,” I don’t think I did anything wrong but Joe may still come to the forums raging about me.

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I don’t think anyone really thinks it’s ALWAYS made up, we recognize that sometimes people are jerks to each other.

I think people have the opinion that most of the posts are blown out of proportion. Someone can tank 10 dungeons, the first 9 go fine and the last someone calls them bad. Those people come to the forums saying the entire community is toxic.

Offensive? yes

Possibly correct too? Yes.

I never experienced anyone calling me a terrible tank even when I did make blatant mistakes. Will I run into this if I try running more tanks up the low M+ keys?

Is it possible that maybe the landscape of M+ is a little different given the alarming tank shortage and people just sort of in inherently accepting that they’ll get what they get?

To me flaming is basically taking a jab at someone for something they did and phrase it in a way that’s not nice or meant to insult them. Anything from “your healing sucks” to “do you even have a keyboard?”, “are you blind?”, “are you r-worded?”, it’s all the same to me. Pure criticism would be “you need to heal more when the boss does this”. Some people see this as flame and get that “rise” you mentioned even if no insult was thrown at them. Many people genuinely believe they are playing as good as possible and everyone else are toxic dps holding them back.

That’s unrealistic, you can’t live under an arbitrary rule that depends on people not being allowed to speak their mind. What you can control is how you react to what people say, you can’t control what people say or when they say it.


Joe sounds like he needs to get good!

Yeah you’re right.

We can’t expect politeness but we can expect civility. I would define that as not being aggressive and not hiding insults by calling it criticism.

Valid, yes. Deserves respect? I’d say not but you may have a different meaning than what I see. Someone can live in a complete fantasy and I would be doing them a disservice by respecting that “reality.” I do like the core of your message.

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It is only unrealistic if you don’t put effort into it. I’ve definitely thought “man this healer blows” and the like but I don’t say it in chat. That only succeeds in 1 thing, making the situation I’m in worse.


Experiences may vary…

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That’s the thing, “hey you stink” isn’t really helpful. If someone that to me I would probably ignore them and even if I wanted to listen to them I wouldn’t know what they means, or how to improve.

Now if someone says “next time you need to pop a cooldown to heal through the storm,” or “tank use your defensive against his bite attack,” that comes off a lot better. A lot of people will still ignore it, but those who want to improve can gain a lot.

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