I am not in favor or against RDF because it’s of no consequence to me either way.
“How will you have dialog if everything is RDF”
No one talks in my groups regardless. If I am not running with my guild the conversation is as follow:
Whisper to: dps/tank/heals lfg (dependent on which character I am on)
Accepts invite Heads to stone Party chat still a ghost town
Me in Party: “Hey Insert name here You there? Summoned twice now…” leader kicks for afk Invites new players Player accepts summon We zone in and start
Party Chat: Crickets Dungeon ends
Party Chat: GGEZ
Party Chat: GG
Party Chat: Heals were dog water, bye Everyone drops group
I mean I don’t think that is all too different from what most people experience. Conversation during the dungeon is focused on completing the dungeon. Which is good, none of us want to waste each others time.
But idk about you but I’ve added many people I ran dungeons with, perhaps we ran a couple runs of SM, we’re on at the same time, we would have an easier time finding a group together. So naturally I add them because it’s in my interest to do so.
RDF removes a core mechanic from the mmoRPG: interacting with the game world. Yes it offers the player the convenience to queue while they quest. But it also offers the player the convenience to sit in Org tabbed out and waiting for queue to pop. LFG forces players to stay engaged RDF encourages players to afk, I’ll take the former. The rest of your arguments are just subjective nonsense. I like having a community rep be important, its cool walking into a pug raid/dungeon/quest group and having players be like “oh i know you, youre that tank who demolishes dungeons!” or “yo kick this filthy rogue they need roll everything”. RDF removes this.
It’s not because there is an over abundance of Boars in Hellfire.
It’s boring just killing boars
At some point the XP gain drops too low
The gear that can randomly drop from them isn’t that good compared to dungeon drops or raid drops.
It isn’t compelling game play just killing the same mob over and over considering the rewards.
But people will kill the same raid bosses week after week if th rewards are sufficient.
RDF is fine in the beginning only for NORMAL DUNGEONS. The heroic part of the tool cant be added because the rewards were for a later time in the expansion (tier 8 - 10). Im fine with rdf in at the start but the heroic part cant exist due to how it was implemented and why.
RDF is fine in the beginning only for NORMAL DUNGEONS.
Um no. If anything it’s the exact opposite. Having RDF for normal dungeons will hurt the leveling experience. Being qued while questing is bad game design…it interupts game flow. It’s dumb.
There’s no excuse for implementing RDF in any capacity. Literally no reason since blizzard is updating the LFG system.
And that was on you for just sitting in the city instead of being out in the world.
Queueing in RDF doesn’t put up a wall that makes it impossible for you to do something outside of a city.
If you don’t run dungeons then having RDF or not shouldn’t affect you at all.
If people want to queue in RDF and not go out then they won’t.
The same way with queueing using the LFG tool.
If they don’t want to go outside of the city, they won’t.
I didn’t say it was a money maker, did you even read that?
I was making a statement that blizzard doesn’t care about the complaints of the community, they just care about log in metrics and stock hold quarterly reviews.
Complaints of the customers isn’t their concern.
I also don’t care if we have it or not. I just like getting an emotion reaction out of people when I point out their logic has flaws. I am picking apart peoples posts on either side on multiple posts.
Most posts are just people trying to validate how they feel consider blizzard never really changes.
You can just sit in a city and wait using LFG.
You have to pay more attention to LFG to get in a group especially if you are DPS.
And you just contradicted yourself at the beginning of this post.
It removes interacting with the game world, then you say it lets the player queue while they quest.
That is interacting with the game world.
I was making a statement that blizzard doesn’t care about the complaints of the community
Yea this is a factually wrong statement. Blizzard has reversed many decisions due to fan feedback. Many they didn’t. Not all fan feedback needs to be taken (like yours because it’s garbage)
Complaints of the customers isn’t their concern.
What do you think stockholders care about? The company making money. What does an unsatisfied customer base threaten? Your bottom line. Duh.