Debunking the "Anti-RDF" arguments!

We need raid finder too. Tired of people deciding who gets loot and who does not. Let the dice decide

Actually, no, keep that LFR Garbage out.

No. Then keep the RDF out too.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. RDF is not Raid Finder. Maybe you should think about that before switching to an alt to make another stupid comment.


It’s in Cata classic, you can wait another 18 months for your garbage feature.

It’s already proven that the net amount of players doesn’t necessarily mean profit. They’ve made much more on a smaller community willing to spend more for convenience and cosmetics.

MAU’s was 12 Million in 2008 with a stock value around 19usd peak. We have less than a quarter than that in MAU but revenue has increased substantially. The contributions from WoW account for nearly double of that now with the last MAU report being closer for 4 Million across Classic and retail at it’s quarters peak.

I also haven’t given feedback since RDF doesn’t affect me. I raid, I have an active guild and I only form groups with guildies and buddies I know from outside the game. My opinions can be considered to be garbage but I actually haven’t given a solution. I am only here to dismantle peoples arguments and belittle Blizzard.

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Its the same thing basically. Theres lots of us that want random raid finder too

Dungeon Finder is a tool made to design to be easier for grouping for dungeons without having any effect on the dificulty of the dungeon in Heroic or Normal.

LFR is a dumb down version of a raid designed to be AFK in. 2 different things.


Just make it harder so you cant afk in

Good idea. So why not wait until Cataclysm Classic, until the Dragon Soul phrase is added for LFR then.

All I want, is something that was added in the supposed to be current patch of the classic client, in a game that is already altered as it is, where it actually does make sense.

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Because i hate cata and will never play past wrath

They’ve made much more on a smaller community willing to spend more for convenience and cosmetics.

I actually have always advocated for a WoW f2p model. I support microtransations. I support games that monetizing by targeting whales and streamers. The WoW token is pure cancer tho.

since RDF doesn’t affect me.

Can you explain why people make this dumb argument? If people are using RDF…less people will be using the old way…also it will take me longer to do content and I will fall behind…like wtf bro it OBVIOUSLY effects everybody that does dungeons.

But yet, you already have played past to switch to a Demon Hunter forum alt just to make yourself sound like a different person.

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If you’re advocating for RDF then you want the destruction of the game.

It’s really that simple. There is literally no reason to support RDF as it was in vanilla wrath when we could just make changes to it. Anybody unwilling to make compromises for such a controversial system is actively sabotaging the game.

Does not mean i enjoyed it. I went straight to private servers afterwards

Oh goody, so why don’t you kindly explain on how RDF destroys the game then, hmmm?

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It’s literally the worst…

  1. It interupts questing.
  2. It makes running dungeons even more exp efficient. Discouraging questing all together.
  3. It used to be a good strategy to build up a friends list of people who like to do dungeons around the same time as you. With RDF this previously efficient method of completing dungeons becomes obsolete.
  4. It detaches zones from the world they’re in. Idk the locations of most dungeons post wrath despite running all of them multiple times.
  5. It creates loading screens…like bro. You want more loading screens?
  6. It robs players of an epic cinematic moment. Remember how epic it was when in No Mans Sky when they seamlessly flew from one planet to another?

I won’t use the tool since I play with my guild, it doesn’t affect me. I don’t care what affects players outside my bubble. I don’t know you, why would I care.

Even if the tool exists, we will theoretically be using it the old way. We will only form groups with people in group immediate friend group or guild. We even leveled warlocks are park them outside of raids and desirable zones to bend the game to how we wish to play it. We still have alts camped in desirable areas for summons because random system or not, we will cheese the game to get what we want. You can’t control players, we will find a way around everything because we can.

Now can I ask you what BENEFITS there are to RDF? What PROBLEM is it SOLVING?

Because I sympathize with people who complain it takes too long to find a group…but why the hell do you need RDF to fix that? Just fix LFG…which is exactly what blizzard is doing.

So there is literally no reason to implement RDF.

Honestly, this is false. Dungeons are more convenient but not more efficient. Questing was and has been more efficient for leveling consistently through each expansion.

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