Deathwing Horde Reconnections

What’s up Saal, Nolanis undead mage from TPoD

Deadulas - Troll Hunter
Myaddiction - Pally (when BC came out)
Torturedsoul - Druid

Legion of Zek
Surrender the Booty

Other guildies (spelling might not be accurate)
Azazeal - Druid
Rilen - Hunter
Thotbot - UD rogue

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Hey man i remember you, we were in cartel together. dithers had gotten guild leader around that time.

Just to let you all know that SR has changed directions on server location, and chose Bigglesworth.

LF old guildies like Kizmet the SOB. Lemme know if you are still lurking about.

Lol chias. Tiffany here


I ended up making characters on Sulfuras and Thunderfury. I’m currently playing on Sulfuras. Jeddite#11533 (Horde) and Jeddite#11790 (Allaince)

woah. haven’t seen your name in years. Anyone else from AJFA playing? What happened to Orestes? Rynn? I following you to Tunder Billies. Ascendancy, orc lock

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Jeddite we ended up Horde on Sulfuras. I will battletag you tonight


Was in DISCONTENT for a while. Probably as a troll hunter named Blacklabeled. I am still in touch with Kromos and talk to him once in a while, but he doesn’t play anymore.


Pretty sure you gkicked me from MR once upon a time. I used to hang out with a lock named Zzig. I believe Dithers was also in MR and I’ve seen a few people mention his name in this thread. I recall a thread on the DW forums some years back saying that he had passed away.

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So far I have seen Rigor, Regulator, Chias and Falcone from the Horde! Where is pacsan?

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Hi. It’s Nokoko! Long time no talk!

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seems fun maybe ill join

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Level 10 so I can post now.

Playing with Silent Requiem on Bigglesworth.

My character has not aged in 15 years.

falcone#7789 on discord, falcone#1696 on Bnet and falcone83 on twitch.

Also Kelden zzig said you can reach him at strycer#1513 he doesn’t play anymore

Hey what’s up man. Yes I remember you for sure. The kicking part was probably your fault haha. Yes that is correct about Cafeen/Dithers. Sucks. You playing classic?

Ayy bludshot here. Where did you guys end up rolling for classic?

Oh it was my fault for sure. Was kind of a jerk back then =D

I am playing. I started off on Kurinaxx due to the queue times on other servers, but don’t know too many folks over there. DoD did not want to make a classic guild, so people from my retail guild are all over the place. I started a shaman on Herod named Kelden. If you wanted to toss me a ginvite sometime, I wouldn’t object.

wish we could play together again but i NEED to experience melee character with no ping. i’m getting 25ms on an actual oceanic server

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