Deathwing Horde Reconnections

Folak, dude. it’s cool to see you again. :slight_smile:

Honestly I’m blown away by this thread. I’m seeing so many familiar faces, you guys are really bringing me back. Curiously, does anyone actually remember this? I stumbled across this link a while back, someone uploaded it to youtube. It’s like the one bit of footage that managed to survive of my playtime in very early vanilla…

Sup dude long time, Miermosa BE paladin

LF former guild master Crackattack/ Warrish.
RL name was Lonnie
looking for people to play with

I dunno about the lovable lol but what’s going on?

I know this is sacrilege, but I’m rolling Alliance on Herod if you or anyone else wants to join. Got some other buddies on there. Wish I could play with everyone I’ve met over the years, some good people.

Never forget Karazhan musical chairs. That was so much fun and so amazing it blew up.

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BOB!!! you must play with me on Alliance-Herod. Do it.

Gorrorz, orc warrior. Can’t wait to play with you guys.

Hit me up on discord: Sahm#0176

Saal undead priest, was in TPoD

Name: Orctor
Fury Warrior
Guild: Paste Eaters

Remember guys like:

Jaxon - Troll Hunter - Admonished Prophets
Bricktop - Tauren Warrior (Alt Char - Forget his main)- Valhalla
Getbend - Orc Prot Warrior - Paste Eaters
Regulator - Undead Rogue - Paste Eaters
Sunflower - Undead Mage - Paste Eaters

its really here! Lanth from unbridled apathy! who is still alive?!

Hey man! Not sure who is going where, I shot a message to Albo and Ktulu, no confirmation on if they will be playing or not, but it looks like I will end up Blaumeux-Alliance side this go around.

I’m here to kill Dalara at Tarren Mill.

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omg BAITE!!!

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hello old friends


Ayyy Deathwing squad, see some old faces in here. Tauryk elemental/enhance shaman reporting in

Nostalgia seeing Baite’s name on the forums

Yrch from Legions of Zek and Vile. I even snuck into Pretty Pink Pwnies for a bit. Nice to see familiar names.

I’ve never played an alliance char before, but a RL friend told me he is playing Alliance on Herod as well and now I’m conflicted, haha.

I feel ya, we actually went on Kirtonos - Alliance

I didn’t want to and never played before but since all my friends were was like, ok, why not. Different experience.

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Lunar! I believe my char was named Nolanis at the time, undead mage. I was the class leader for Mages in TPOD for a while.