Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

I remember you too! Hoping to run into more PoL people on here. Heck, Baragi even came to my wedding back in the day. Crazy how much time has passed.

Mathna here! I was a Dwarf hunter in this awesome guild. Hopefully we can find our old crew, Ciaro.

Ezekiell from the Disciples here. We have a few people ready to play again. (Me, Runiar, Drusilla, Mordraug and a few others. Bullvai has been MIA for about a year, but we have him in as a friend if and when he joins back up.

Excellent. Gabrielle if you see Reimar send him this way! Mr. church its been eons how ya been man? So I’m hoping more people stumble across this. I figured there may be a few of us coming out of the wood work.

Was it really necessary to split the servers by faction?

Jeddite will reincarnate as an Orc Hunter this time, but also as a Fruit Elf Hunter on a second account. Unless that name goes to another furry instead… so many names.

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been good playing hord now and will remain MUHAHAHA!

Server: Deathwing
Name: Cranky Human Priest ( I was a main healer for Molten Core)
Guilds: WitchHunters / Ravencrest Watch / Posedio

I’m scrolling through this list, and remembering the spam in IF looking for groups, and missing so many funny moments.

Where’s Tiana (that bad a$$ mage that showed us how to own everyone at Tauren Mill)

Ravencrest Watch had some fun moments too…I miss everyone. Where’s Chuck???



Name: Aratar
Guild: Ravencrest Watch

Good heavens this thread is bringing back memories. All these folks I played with, ran dungeons with, and had spats with which now seem so silly this many years later.

Many of my current WoW friends never played vanilla or Alliance so I literally just might be remaking Aratar. Top-knot and all.


You wonderful wonderful person you!


I would love to regroup with the Witch Hunters // Ravencrest Watch group if they have forums (dating myself with that idea), discord or something.

Someone reach to me!! JermzFTW#1972

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Hybred, dwarf warrior
Pharohs of War , the Elders.
Looking for any of my old guildies gonna go horde on Herod

Hey bud :slight_smile:

Hey Darwin, can you send me a message on Discord at Discypl#6554? Poosnarf would love to drop by to say hi.

Character name: Rexxer
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guilds: Inertia, Mono, maybe DoA cant honestly remember.

Im looking for a few people… Blackpenguin , Zeetus i think, Bigtexan or Rex, Lumminevan, Starfall

There are a few more but its been so long i cant remember everyone. Hopefully some of you recognize me.


I still have the same druid!!!

Character name: Crossed
Race: gnome
Class: mage
Guilds: PWNT, Eye Candy, Costa, Inertia

Itd be cool to have an unofficial new deathwing server


haha i remember Slash Cry and Priory Scion and Poseido. Tark the Hunter was in Poseido.

Name: Delete the Night Elf Shadow Priest.

Guild: Phantoms of Azeroth -> Thoridan’s Legacy

Usually just kinda messed around.

I remember Pineapple, Tark, Ithic, Sazzy, Thalion and others

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Hey Apple,

I talked to Norl and Taunti, we’re getting who we can together. I’m telling people to start filtering into the old CoA Discord. Hoping to pick a server early so we can let everyone else know by launch.

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Name: Verex, Bleargh, Eterne
Guilds: Wardens of the Shindig, Can of Aggro

I knew people in, and did a bunch of random stuff, with Costa, Poseido, Titans, Grey Tide, ORLY Factor, Path of Light, and Radioactive. Working on getting what we can of Can of Aggro and some other friends all together on a server for Classic.

Discord: Duthek#9868