Formerly known as: Asphixia / Asphyxia.
Night Elf Rogue
Guilds: Thoradin’s Legacy / Phantoms of Azeroth / Poseido
Seeking: Clotho, Zasher, Naota, Pineapple,
We have Delete, and we’re not afraid to use him.
/squints eyes
/shakes fist
Also seeking Levin!
Wow, several names I remember.
Corvus and Poosnarf were both R14 if I remember correctly…think I remember dueling them occasionally except I was like 13-15 and annoying af.
Church, old guild mate…
Anyone else alive from The Disciples?
Or anyone from Get the Clam?
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Name(s): Pillbotgrr (human warrior), Pillbotmini (gnome mage), Aahnold (paladin)
Guilds: Sacred Coven and LoE (Teutorix in xpac)
Would love to reconnect with Sonofjorel, Aiirk, Acorne, Cheebaelf
Battlenet - pillbot#1619
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So many old familiar names! definitely playing this one, but still undecided on faction or server. I’m magey#0001 on discord.
Bruh, I primarily play horde. So where have you been this whole time? Me you and Mathna could have been reaking havoc! add my tag DasHubsche1912
Add my tag DasHubsche1912
Good to see some of you around
I’ll be playing oceanic though
Character: Teljehed
Character class: Rogue
Character race: NE
Path Of Light
Character: Sentra Night Elf Warrior
Guild: The ORLY Factor
Discord: Sentra!#2737
So many names I haven’t seen in years, pretty neat. Looks like the boys and I might be playing horde.
Oh snap hi Rexxer, I am Killabx (RL friend of Blackpenguin, raided with you guys)
Character Name: Killabx
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guilds: Dragon’s Bane, Intertia, DoA
Players I remember are Gwiffle, Starfall, Defekt, Bigtexan/Rex, Soreale, Lumminevan, and quite a few more.
Gromshortleg checking in! Somebody drop the damn bot!!!
Return of the Mack? Return of the Mack.
Name: Citan, human Warrior. Then Shuyin human Warlock when twin brother took over Citan around AQ40
Guild: The Black Knights and FEST™.
Name: Aeryx
Class: Dwarf Priest
Guild: Ravencrest Watch
Good to see so many familiar names in here
Hey!!! I do remember you!!! How have you been??? How is BP???
My Btag is rexxer22#1770
Yo not sure if you Remember me, but I remember yall, I was a NE hunter Named Demonikx. I will also be playing back up with the Pally Demonickilla If yall remember us.
Been a long time since I was on this Paladin Haha
Name: Zekerage
Race: Human
Class: Ret Paladin
Guilds: Inertia, Loot the Dog
bnet: zekerage#1891
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Name: Shadowsniper
Race/Class: Human Paladin
Guilds: Path of Light, Amnesty. BC: Indecision, Necessary Evil, Nihilistic
battlenet tag: Theron#1559
So many familiar names in here!
Arclight Night Elf Warrior
Descension of Anarchy, Poseido
Discord: Arclight#6898
Good to see some of the old crew lying about.