Character Name: Hyperionx / Dionysos
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Paladin / Warlock
Guild: Amnesty > Inertia
Really just hoping to see who comes back, and get back into our PvP grind group. As well as get back to pushing that PvE content over like the old days.
Name: Ad
Race: Nightelf
Class: Druid
Guilds: Loot the Dog, Divine Dragon, Black Label, Then played with Costa and Inertia later on in BC and Wrath with my warlock Just.
I love reading all of your replys, so many names I remember and have played with. <3 Deathwing.
Character name, race and class - Astarothsama, Human Paladin
Original Guild - Nothing that I can remember, just tossing this out there to help relive the nostalgia!
Seeing ‘Inertia, Raiding Rainbow, Amnesty, Ravencrest Watch’ just gives me good feels inside, I remember these guilds from Ally Deathwing just like I remember Pretty Pink PWNies for the horde