Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Character Name: Hyperionx / Dionysos
Character Race:   Human
Character Class:  Paladin      /  Warlock

Guild: Amnesty > Inertia

Really just hoping to see who comes back, and get back into our PvP grind group. As well as get back to pushing that PvE content over like the old days.

Battletag: Booze#1328

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Yes! Black Label peeps!

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More Black Label haha. Oscar and I started that guild and it was named after the beer we were drinking at the time.

Name: Anneke
Race: Human
Class: Priest
Guild(s): The Black Knights, FEST, a couple others in between.

Mostly just gonna goof around casually, just wanted to say hey. I missed some of you nerds!


Reimar was is Devils Paradise. I still have the music video he made on his return. Will upload it to youtube and show you - it’s hilarious.

Name: Truebeard
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guilds: Descension of Anarchy, Poseido, Big Red One

I hope I can reconnect with some old friends! My discord buzzo#9707, battlenet:buzzo#1920

Name: Ad
Race: Nightelf
Class: Druid
Guilds: Loot the Dog, Divine Dragon, Black Label, Then played with Costa and Inertia later on in BC and Wrath with my warlock Just.

I love reading all of your replys, so many names I remember and have played with. <3 Deathwing.

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Some of the old FEST people are going to play. We currently have a discord.

Hi Anneke!!!

Falx here…and Thorgg…cant remember what other name I used back then…Im with Headie…we are gonna play at launch as well!

Character: Sethos, Human Mage

Guild: Path of Light

I raided with a couple of good college friends in a guild we joined in Dun Morogh with some rando warrior. Was good times until I moved away!


Hey BRO it’s your fav og gnome rogue CHURCH!!!

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alt-225 still have the ß code memorized

Zelphie Night Elf Druid (and all my 60 alts)

Priory of Sion -> Costa

Not sure I’m going to play Vanilla but would love to reconnect with peeps.


Hey, cutie. I’ll be back. I talked to Nar and Sev around a year ago. I’m not sure on their intentions.

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Dklizznein-Dwarf warrior
MistyMundae- warlock

Reign of valor, sanctum, unconquered, eye candy, costa and UNKNOWN briefly.

Looking to find old guildies from my raiding and pvp days.

Dklizznein#11377 on bnet

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Server: Deathwing.

Name: Mauhdeeb -Gnome Mage

Guilds: Three Inches Unbuffed

Just wondering if any of this old group will be playing again and if so will it be on DW.

Character: Raitano a Dwarf Paladin
Guild: Children of the Pantheon

I will!

Morwen/Morwhen (NE hunter) as well as Sioned (Human priest).

Guilds: FEST

I don’t think I’ll roll on a PvP server ever again, honestly, but maybe some of you will go PvE too.

I wish I could find Firau, and level a priest with his warrior again. Those were fun times.

Addenda: I will be playing on Mankrik.

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Howdy all

Character: Possum, Human Paladin

Guild: Path of Light

I was part of PoL at its creation, however RL took me away too soon.

Discord: PossumHatesYou#1057

Nice to see you here Sethos, I recall you feeding and watering us poor mortals on more then one raid.

  • Character name, race and class - Astarothsama, Human Paladin
  • Original Guild - Nothing that I can remember, just tossing this out there to help relive the nostalgia!

Seeing ‘Inertia, Raiding Rainbow, Amnesty, Ravencrest Watch’ just gives me good feels inside, I remember these guilds from Ally Deathwing just like I remember Pretty Pink PWNies for the horde :slight_smile:

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