Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Name: Cellene
Class: Priest
Race: NE
Guild: Reign of Valor

Good to see some ROV on here already. Anida add me so I can get the details from you. Thanks

High Speed Dirt#6452

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Character: Absolute, Gnome, Mage

Guild: Amnesty, Black Label, UNKNOWN

Not sure exactly who I’m looking to reconnect with but thought it couldn’t hurt, anyone I’ve played with in the past will do!

Discord: CloudedInSanity#1431


Character: Typhoid, Dwarf Paladin

Guild: Word to Bird, Slash Cry, Raiding Rainbow-- I think we called ourselves something really emo later on I don’t remember lol but same core group.

I played heavily from Vanilla through Wrath (some breaks at xpacs) but since have gone from a boy to a family man and full on casual scrub shame. Cool seeing old names like Nypheria & Drey. Going horde shadow priest this time. Down to be the best again =)

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Character: Fate

Guild: Costa

still has a presence on Deathwing, but we’ve moved our raiding team to Stormrage and started a chapter there. Looking for any old members looking to join us again in Classic (or in retail). We have’t decided which Server to start a classic chapter on, but there are several old and current members interested in getting it done.


Character: Souls

Guild: Unconquered / Costa

Still a part of the CAlliance on Deathwing Live and will probably tag along with them for any Alliance focused Classic endeavor.

Guild: Loot the dog
Name: Cub
Class: Pally


Name: Thoracks / Human / Rogue

Guild: Casuals (I think),

Name of people: Xdeliverance, Cheell, Anduin, Lyude

Name: PuTz Night Elf Rogue

Guilds: The Perfect Edge, Costa

Discord: PuTz#4680

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Name: Komodo
Guild: Sacred Coven, Night Rain

Race: Human
Class: Mage

    Man, I don't really wanna play Classic, but seeing a lot of familiar names here, makes me wanna play if for no other reason than reconnecting with some of you gents!

Name: Kromm
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
I don’t remember our guild name, but the leader was a human paladin named Anovia or Danusia, and there was a gnome mage named Tootie, if you guys remember discord ping me Draxx#5071

Name: Tangin
Race: Gnome
Class: Mage

Guild(s): Forbidden Arts & GotS

Guild Leader of GotS was Kurkis, hopefully he’s still around. Therence was an Officer.

Hit me up if any of you are playing again.

Name: Arcamel/Rebelzob
Race: Human
Class: Priest/Rogue

Guilds: Globlal Conflict, Inertia, Orly Factor, thats all I can remember now,

Would like to see yall again!



Name: Shadowsniper
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter

Guilds: Envy
Played hardcore all of classic etc. Looking for a team hit me up.
Discord: Daz#0715

Name: Applebiscuit
Race: Human
Class: Mage

Guild: Can of Aggro

Guild leaders were Norl and Taunti. I played a lot with Frompy, Devotional, Boanerges, and Aoirselvar. Let me know if any of those names ring a bell!

Character Name: Meryl

Race/Class: Human Priest

Guilds: PWNT, Inertia

Playing Alliance again, look forward to seeing some familiar faces around.

Discord: zerogoat#4304


Character Name: NXX
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Warrior

Guild: Amnesty

Looking for:
Anyone else from Amnesty!

Will be playing Alliance in Classic!

  • Character Name: Plazmatic / Xcalibur
  • The ORLY Factor / Inertia / FEST / Raiding Raindow
  • Hoping some original ORLY Factor people will be back such as Nar/Sev/Xpariah/Shabobado.

Would love to reconnect with anyone in the aforementioned guilds. Can’t wait to see you guys in game!


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Character Name: Aika / Moriko
Character race: Night Elf
Classes: Rogue / Warlock
Guilds: ORLY Factor / Guiding Hand

Any blizzpub peeps out there?

Character Name: Hlista / Venificus
Human Mage
Remember being in ORLY Factor for a short while, Was in a guild before that but forgot the name, I think I then followed Valuant to a guild that was a runoff of another guild breaking up. Eventually played with Unicron in Burning Crusade in Black Label also Defenders of Truth @Plazmatic Shabobado sounds so familiar
I think I remember a mage named Wizzex that I thought was the coolest mage ever. Would be cool to see JackofBlades again. Myladysiren? Sarge? Strain? It’s taking me awhile to think of these old names again

Discord: Mortimere#5633
Battlenet: SuperCool#1288

Character: Alaina
Human Warlock
Guilds: Ravencrest Watch / FEST

I’m probably going to make an appearance. Looking like I’m playing Alliance again.