Server: Deathwing
Name: Riftess - Human Priest
Guild: Descension of Anarchy (DoA)
The character attached. Unchanged since Vanilla.
Server: Deathwing
Name: Riftess - Human Priest
Guild: Descension of Anarchy (DoA)
The character attached. Unchanged since Vanilla.
My best friend Eönwë overdosed on mari juana last night. RIP Eönwë I told you to stop smoking weed man…
they have a phone app we ended up on Fairbanks. Just hit me up when you get it all setup. Just finished rebuilding mine and reformatting it as well
Oh, I miss read lol. I thought you were Cano/Pest because he used to play on a druid with the same name you have lol.
In Vanilla? Maybe I let him play my account back then…this was my name on Deathwing for quite some time.
Yeah, back in Vanilla.
Looks like I’m late to the party.
Where’s everyone rerolling for Classic??
We’re starting up a Costa chapter on Mankrik (Alliance). The guild should be up and doing invites this evening.
Luigi, Costa will be starting up a chapter on Alliance Mankrik if you want to join us.
Costa will be starting up a chapter on Alliance Mankrik if you want to join us.
Go Sentra!!! nice to see ya around bud!
If any other people from RCW (or RCG, or other pals) comes in late looking for a place to play, a few of us have settled in Might on Mankrik-Alliance.
Feel free to add me to as well (Vincent#1285)
There are a few names here that I remember, so hopefully a group of us can get together one day and play again!
Character - Main
Name: Kaldoone
Class/Race: Gnome Mage
Btag: Elandorr#11521
Guild(s) that I can remember: Costa, Poseido, Inertia
Character - Alt
Name: Keern
Race/Class: Human Paladin
Idk guess he played on my account.
Zeke and abs. those sound like nub names! me and normac are trying to play RN
Arugal Oceanic PvP server has 2 hour que, 5000 waiting, nuts.
OMG! Not sure if I remember you but I was Ktsevens, a dwarf rogue. I remember this one time Tashed ( Hunter?) raged in Onyxia!
Are you guys getting backinto Classic?
Character name: Ktseven or Ktsevens
Race: Dwarf
Class: Rogue
Guild: STING (Tashed NE hunter was the leader)
Those were the good ol day in MC and Onyxia. I just remember my guild leader Tashed raging during a ONYXIA raid and it killed me.
Send me a message on Discord, I going to try out Classic for a week and try to reconnect with yall
My discord:
Character Name: Jassin
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Battlenet: Junkai#1802
Hold up Rexxer – it’s Tipio! You used to play with us in Mono. Beltezshazar and …A something. You would recognize us right away – we were all in the same neighborhood and started Mono together.