Tlffany! How have you been? I don’t plan to play because I am very busy with things, but maybe I can be convinced?
Holyscow! Long time no see! How you been! You should definitely come back just for causal gaming.
And also to give me 40gold to buy my gm dagger just like before haha
If you play Classic let me know what server you end up on. I don’t think Beltshazzar and the other guys play any more but I’d love to catch up. Also if you plan on playing WC3 Reforged later this year, that’s where most of us got started (I remember Mr Wooky but I can’t remember some of the other guys’ names). I think you used to play WC3 with us, too. Add me on bnet = Tipio#1896
super happy fun time^^ not sure if i am going to play again… was just kinda lurking can add me tho pap3rr#1100 but maybe got a pc thats not at 15 fps now ha
i wanna try to kill u again thro your double trinket shield and void shield^^ …naw idk if am playing ether just lurking
Tulle definitely won’t be playing. Volition is still kicking it as a poor warlock, but he sleeps in a bed now.
Classic WoW characters can be found on Pagle - Alliance.
I lived through leveling in STV on a PVP server once. I’m going to see what the simple life is like this go around.
Krooza here. Hope ya’ll are doing well!
Krooza, dwarf paladin. Don’t remember my initial guild, but I think Vallenx was the GM. Most of my time was spent in Inertia.
I know it was after 2006, but I’m curious where my S1 3s teammates ended up: Perpetuous (warrior) and can’t remember the lock’s name.
gasp am hurt helberd mentioned before me
Yildun the Night Elf Druid here. Was in Thex and then Sting. Was part of the famous original Molton Core pickup group.
I left wow in Vanilla and returned briefly for BC, then left for good. Back with my brothers Garzenesh and Ingolion to revisit Azeroth one last time as Alliance on Smolderweb.
Dude I remember you! Welcome back!
Proto here, NE rogue from Discrepancy.
Quite a few recognizable names in the thread. Shouting a beacon to players from Disc, or anyone who just wants to place to stay in general. Playing on Fairbanks horde. If anyone’s looking for a raiding and pvp guild message me or Rettick.
@arias can’t wait to run into your guild in world.
@zariane the GotS RoV merge also featured many members from Discrepancy. Merged into Shut Up and Pull, had a good time.
edit: if you miss me online, battletag is isaacxyz#1249
Name: WillieWombat
Race: Nightelf
Class: Rogue
Guild: Reign of Valor and Discrepancy, Inertia (BC)
Proto and Rettick! team night elf rogues report in
Is me, am Nox lolol
Discord is superminiblackhole#2757 if any of the old crew is still checking in.
Take it easy. <3
Name: Rufuswallaby / Soxx
Race / Class: NE Warrior / Dwarf Paladin
Guild(s): Reign of Valor, RCW, Necessary Evil, Inertia
Played with a lot of you as either NE warrior (RoV) or paladin (RCW/NE/Inertia) through TBC. Playing classic as horde on US-Fairbanks (PST). Great seeing so many familiar names in this thread!
Discord ID: Primeheals#5840 hope to see some of you in game!
sup my old friend
Guilds word to the bird slash cry raiding rainbow lords of black rock
Class Hunter
Server Deathwing
Classic Pagle
Hey! I used to play in casuals too. Tarryn, druid. What server are you on?
Hi Meryl <3