Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Heya Aang, it’s Istarion, healed you in classic and tanked with you in BC. Good to see you back.

…In the Mountains…

Things I remember about Deathwing as an alliance paladin:

  • The uproar it caused when the first Hand of Ragnaros on the server went to an alliance paladin from RCW.

  • The horde Dance Commander: Shifu the rogue who would kill anyone that didn’t /dance with him. (I can attest to this.) He was known to haunt the boats in Menethil Harbor.

  • Camping the roofs in Gadgetzan.

  • A horde Shaman named Zangief that could kill anyone 1v1.

  • Warring for days in Southshore.

  • The Total Drama Island festival that the Deathwings forum seemed to always be.

Good times, bad times and everything in-between. Ive been in a few raiding guilds since but none of them had the same community that we had on Deathwing. It’s good to see so many familiar names. It will be interesting to see what the 30 year Classic release will be like. :thinking:


Crass, Night Elf Priest

Black Label, Reign Of Valor

Looking for more old Black Label or ROV people interested in classic, maybe join up or at least hit the same server

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hey im also looking for rov people, my toon was Crass, ne priest

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how goes fellow rov alum?

my toon was/is again Crass, ne priest

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Margier Gnome Warlock Rothilliea druid Night Elf
Ordained Loot the Dog The Disciples
Looking to see who is all looking

Sifticus (Night Elf Hunter)
Eternium (Human Priest)

Was in Gots and then we merged with ROV. I don’t remember if that happened in Vanilla or BC. Hope to find some familiar faces!!

Sup man Sifticus (Nelf hunter). We used to fight to grab some of the hunter raiding spots. Think We helped eachother get lok and rok as well!

Hey man! Jackofblades wants your bnet info :slight_smile: add me on discord so I can get you in touch :slight_smile:



It was in TBC when GotS and RoV merged. But yeah, I remember that, stupid Silithus demon.

PEST, holy crap. Had no idea you were still around lol.


I dont know if you remember me but I was Branik and Guinney. I know I was in WoV with Branik for sure. Wraithdagger was a friend of mine in the guild also.

I was curious do you know of or remember the guild leader and his brother? I think the brother played a Warlock something like Blkmgcwoman.


  • Superjimmy/Tarold

Doubt anyone will remember me but I’ve seen some familiar names!

Bann, human priest.

Guilds: Witch hunters, Ravencrest watch (for a little bit), and Inertia

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I remember you as well

You’re Pest/Cano?? Yooo! I came back in WoD for a few months, legion for a few months, BFA for a few months, now coming back for classic. btag kyiro#1248

I was also in elysium! was lookin for mojo and a few others myself

Haha Jackoblades…an unforgettable name! I added you as a friend Anida, mine is Crass#1438

Do you have a classic server picked out already? A couple of old Black Label peeps i know in rl are thinking alliance whitemane

i literally got my new pc 2 days ago, have to install discord still…upside is…new computer …wow looks pretty decent haha

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