Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Name: Silentbriza - NE Rogue. Bruener - Paladin, Caderly, [insert word here]briza
Guild: Orly Factor

Name: Sty - Human Warlock, Styman - Human Paladin
Guild: ?

Lots of people showing up that I never thought I’d see again.

I hung up the weather hat a few years back. Of all things, I’m running a bar now.


I still have the old RCW website archived somewhere or another. May have to dig that out at some point.

If anyone’s playing and not sure where to go, I’m playing with the pals that I raided with in Wrath->Legion after RCW went casual. We’re going to be on Mankrik Alliance, and I’d be glad to have an RCW contingent in the guild.

Also, feel free to add me to Vincent#1285 (can pass on discord info too).


Holy. Crap!!! Sentra! It’s me Tairaal!! Glad to see your name up here.

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Littlebigman reporting for duty,

Played with Xhuntress, GilIian and Bdswinging (I still remember you guys) and played with the guild Elysium in BC.

I was pretty young then and it wasn’t uncommon for me to blow up trade and general chat lol

I also remember having a pretty epic pvp rivalry with the undead mage Lilflip

I’ll be playing on Fairbanks, hope I see some of you there!

Is this the X that was a rouge at the beginning of Wotlk?

haha I remember you guys!! Where are you two going to roll for classic? Me and a couple buddies have finally decided on Skeram Horde

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Can you hit me up with that discord? I was in FEST around WotLK. Was a Rogue. (The one that wasn’t Mike, if I’m remembering his name right.) My name is usually Ayanami, Proxenes, Sextron, or some other Evangelion reference. Discord name is Sextron#6621. I made a character on Skeram, but that can yet be rectified.

Not sure yet. Since there is Oceania server now. Are the old guild rolling there? Slash cry

Character Name: Tairaal. NE Rogue

Guilds: Orly Factor, Path of Light.

Good to be back after more than a decade. Probably gonna roll Horde this time 'round. Battle tag is - IntaruShin#1326 and Discord is - IntaruShin#9643

Hey UL! It’s me Tairaal. Not sure if you remember me, but it’s good to see you up here.

What’s up Aang! Dirtybirdy or Fizzlespark(gnome warlock)- we used to trash AV with a healer from Inertia, just can’t remember who.

Could you message me with the FEST discord info? I’m liopleurodon#3518 – definitely not committed to being hardcore or anything but it would be nice to say hey. I reserved Anneke on Herod but with that 10K+ queue I’m open to… literally any other option lol

Hi Alaina! I caught up with Aratar via a Reddit thread and he mentioned that some RCW folks are reconnecting here. It’s an absolute pleasure to bump into you here. My plan is to play in Classic pretty casually and see where it goes from there. Cheers

Edit: So I goofed this up and I replied to three different RCW members before I posted my own LFGuildies, and now I can’t post any more replies. So I’ll post it here!

Xavias, Night Elf Druid
Ravencrest Watch
BattleTag: Xav#11583

I’ve been glad to already reconnect with Aratar and I see others here like Aeryx, Alaina, Aednat, Gull and Zareb. It’s great to see all of you who are here! When Aratar told me via Reddit that Aednat had popped up here I instantly saw the sacrificial gnome dancing in Molten Core and I had a good chuckle. I would love to reconnect with absolutely anyone who I was playing with back in the day.

Cheers everyone and lots of love and respect, not just to RCW but to all the different players and guilds who made Deathwing such an awesome place during that time period.


Hey Aeryx! We need a fear ward on Aratar ASAP!

Great to see you man! And I’m glad we got to reconnect in Fhloston Paradise for a time during WotLK/Cata.


I figured out the reconnection thingymajig!

Aratar, I’m super glad that we bumped into each other on Reddit. Hi Aednat and Zareb! :slight_smile:


Kyiroshima, NE Druid.

Looking for some people that I suspect I won’t find on here…

Cano/Pest, Anathemize, Homunculus, Volition, Tulle…whomever else.


I remember you.


Add me Nick#1251 Vangbang