Goin into legion was a total gut punch that I still feel.
Bring back toughness, bladed armor,armor for vet for frost n unholy, presences, improve presences, rune charge system goes back to wrath, runic emp recharges all runes on cd runic corruption speeds up rune recharge rate of all runes on cd by x for every amount of x haste you have
Yeah, though I agree with the OP, that DKs are actually more fun to play in Classic WotLK, it’s best to be careful what you wish for, especially with Blizzard.
Cuz ranged RETs is bad for the game. RET is a melee and doesnt need ranged.
Would be similar if I pointed out that priests are OP healers but I wont because
I love having priest heals in BGs.
Imagine someone posting feedback about pvp in a pvp forum. I mean thats just crazy.
So enjoying the real estate I currently occupy too.
Eh, I dunno. I’ve been playing frost as a main since Cata and I enjoy it still, as frost at that! I’m just happy 2 hand frost returned. I did like having presences before, which allowed for some creative hybrid speccing, so if anything was given back to us, I’d like that to be returned.
As a dk main, dks are fine right now. If anything, they need higher damage during cd downtime. Other than that, they feel smooth.
I have several unholy builds I play with. I’ll even swap to 2h frost for funnsies in between fights.
But I agree, having presences back would be great.
Probably shouldn’t make claims like this
Dks are on par with mages right now as far as popularity goes. They are above rogues and monks right now as well.
They have always been like this.
The only time I can think of that they weren’t was unholy in legion. I had something like 430% mastery, so I didn’t need cds. I’d just dot you, keep you at a distance with chains of ice and clawing shadows you to death.
But frost has always needed pillar for damage burst, then falls off. Unholy was army/empower ghoul.
But with cdr and other abilities, its a non issue.
Congratulations, the most idiotic senseless post in the thread goes to you. I thought Ariies had it on lock but after reading this heep of garbage, my brain is actually in pain.
You’re telling me I’m not enjoying a class that I’ve mained for over 10 years because I need to get good? After all these post in this thread agreeing that DK gameplay is currently in shambles and that it needs some serious help, and all the countless threads expressing that DK’s need a rework WITH statistics and data showing that the class is hardly being played at all that’s your solution?
I understand you’re a snowflake and you got offended because I said that Wotlk DK is multiple times better and more fun (which it is) but telling someone to “get good” because they aren’t enjoying the current state of their class is a 4chan level of bottom tier. The class clearly needs a rework or else it will remain avoided by the majority of players (especially frost) and looked down upon as a boring, CD dependent class.
No they have not “always been like this”. On wotlk classic I can obliterate and do heeps of damage without having any sort of cooldown up. This is in PVP and PVE. I am not cooldown dependent whatsoever when engaging in other players or raiding. On retail if I don’t have my cooldowns available my obliterate hits less than a warriors auto swing. Please don’t say things that aren’t true.
Going by data provided in raids, solo shuffle and arena. DK’s are currently at the bottom of the most played class, the only other class that’s comparable are monks. Mages are MUCH more popular than DKs, where are you getting your statistics from?
No one is taking you seriously because you’re simply not even playing the game.
Or not even showing that you play at all.
Jesus, for everything you just said it seems that you’re just trolling for the sake of trolling. And pulling years that you “main” a class as any sort of credential that enables you to post the most irrelevant and nonsensical opinion or suggestion about the class.
Your only example is wrath. Where they are a broken, op hero class.
They had to get brought in line with everyone else.
You should step out of wrath and experience other xpacs.
And pvp they were utterly broken. Even in cata, I was unkillable in any spec. If I got low, I could hit a defensive or just funnel all runic into deathstrikes and stay at full hp.
So you want obliterate to crit for 160k+ outside of pillar? Spoken like someone who doesn’t know how balancing works.
Also I highly doubt even white obliterate hits hit less than an auto attack…
Now who is saying things that are untrue?
Or are you comparing a 380 frost dk to a 440 war?
As a 438 dk, I have no issues. I can burst 200-300k and level out at 90-100k depending on what is going on. Frost also has plenty of filler to keep damage up unless you are going pure breath build.
Raiderio was my first source.
But then the very first sight I pulled up for solo shuffle ranked unholy as #1 and frost mid.
Then the next site, which has ALL pvp rankings, dks are in the middle.
So my question is where are YOU getting your stats from? Because either you are lying or you are using very old data.
You can’t debate someone by calling them a liar. I also can’t believe any of your takes as you keep using wrath as the main example, when again, they were the new broken hero class with little to no balancing. I’d also love to see your DF dk as well.
Dk main since wrath by the way. Nearly a year play time on her alone, not counting my 5 other dks. Hi nice to meet ya
No one is taking me seriously? You mean the many other people who agree in this thread that DK’s need a rework before you decided to just post your nonsense reply because you got offended that Wotlk DKs are more fun? Sorry I hurt your fragile feelings just stating facts my guy. Maybe instead of posting 4th grade replies like “git gud” you would understand basic logic, maybe.
Sorry reading is hard for you and you can’t see that it’s more than four people who agree DKs need a rework by them literally posting in this thread.
First you say DK’s have always been dependent on cooldowns, but now it’s “Na they were OP in wotlk, cata and MoP so don’t include those because they were OP! ” Which one is it? Frost is one of the most laughed at specs right now because of it’s failure to compete in dps and it’s over dependence on CDS. It’s pathetic you’re actually trying to defend it status like seriously, even outside of pvp it’s the WORST spec in the game in mythic+ going by data.
It’s like the copium you’re smoking has to be amazing if you think frost is in a good spot please tell me where I can buy some.