You have absolutely no clue what is in this thread.
Says the 11 post druid, go back to the druid forums.
Bruh you must be the saddest IRL looser on wow and trust me the competition in this community is high. All you do is complain, being disrespectful and demand others to treat you well I just wanted saw a forum on dk eye colors and damn dude just get a life leave just leave this game you for sure aren’t well
sorry for my bad english I just felt the need to tell you how annoying you are
And what exactly are you doing in this thread?
I am asking you the same question why dont you shut up and move on instead of complaining about frost sepc and make it your own thread
Because im talking about the subject of the thread, get over it.
no you are shuting down other people opinions since the start on how frost dk is supposed to be played instead of why dk is not as good as other classes. You are cringe and an elitist individual
Again, you dont even know what is in this thread.
‘’[Death Knight is Weak]’’ and not ‘‘Dw forst dk is better and they should limit the spec to Dw bc I said so and all you peasant are wrong’’
Congrats, you can read a title.
Care to read the rest of the thread where the substance is? Or are you just going to keep trying to attack another player based on another thread about Dk eye color which absolutely no one has an argument for other than “i want it gimme gimme gimme!” Just like what people wanted with 2h, and then 90% of them left within a month of the pre-patch.
Okay mister im always right I read the entire thread and it was just you arguing if dk is better with 2h vs dw nothing in that is about dk as a whole just like the thread about the eyes you do no effort to aknowledge other people ideas and proof that support their statement and either hyperboll what they say or make it a slippery no matter what people say you never listen or respond with another constructive argument you managed to make this thread about yourself congrats
What proof where? That Icecap only really works with DW? That BoS only really works with DW, that DW gets more KM procs and that 2h had to be propped up because its not good enough to be in the spec as is? Obliterate damage had to be increased as well otherwise the increase to Frost damage than DW gets from the second runeforge would bury 2h in the ground where it belongs?
Yeah theres not proof or anything that Frost is a DW spec.
Also people dont have proof that dk eye color can be anything but blue. Its some fantastical thoughts people have just like fire DK which also has absolutely 0 reason as to why there should be fire death knights. Dk eye color is blue, Frost is DW and Bolvar shouldnt even still be a death knight since his DK/LK powers were removed when the helm was taken off of him with that piece of crappy retconned lore as well.
So yes, in these cases I am right. Blizzard even said im write because they are the ones who said DK eyes are blue, and Frost is a DW spec. Go play something else if you dont like it.
Not to mention, you didnt read the thread very well if thats what you got from it which is just flat out wrong with that went on this thread.
I want Blood dps, Frost tanks, and o.g. pre-zit popping Unholy brought back!
Make DK’s great again!
Wotlk scourge strike was scary bzns. Same for armor pen blood DKs.
damn kelliste chill out.
Why do you guys always ignore everyone else and always single out one person? Makes no sense at all.
why do you argue with everyone?
I think thats abundantly clear from this thread. So again, why do you always single a singular person out?
Oh, and I did some testing yesterday between DW and 2h with the tier set. 2h dropped stacks right after my opening PoF window with Obliteration with 40% crit (with RW active for the 8% crit) and 15% attack speed from Icy Talons which you can keep up 100% of the time because the GA from KM contributes to Icy Talons even if you dont have the talent selected and it can be kept going with Frost Strike. I dont know how much more crit and haste Biceps is expecting, but there is only one area to get that haste from, and thats dropping mastery for haste.
So he said people are wrong… no they arent. It took me 5 minutes to verify that. Now just think about swapping targets without PoF active, you might not get a singular stack out depending on how long adds will last, but you almost certainly wont have 5 stacks so that means 0 uptime. In M+ as well, going add to add without Obliteration will mean you have very poor uptime with a 2h, maybe even DW. Hes entirely talking about single target with high uptime. The first boss of Sep is entirely add driven, Mech Spider has you swapping off to crystals, another boss has you running pretty far distances to kill an add.
Oh, and with the tier set and 2h, not a single PoF window did I get KM to proc on its own to be used like I did with DW where I would sometimes get a KM proc right after consuming one from Frost Strike or Howling Blast triggering it.
Hes going to hype people up, and then they are going to get the 4 set, and come on the forums and say it sucks for 2h because it drops RI stacks so easily asking for buffs because DW can keep them up without any issues.
Thats the problem with splitting the spec, if one weapon has something, the other one wants it as well. Oh 2h cant do this but DW can, I want it! But you better not give DW our Obliterate damage increase!
It makes no damn sense.
The reason why you’re singled out is because you constantly argue with people and blame the playerbase of frost dk for why it’s bad.