Death by herbing was a bold design choice

All of this talk about getting punted reminded me of an old Vanilla quest that I just looked up.

As part of a questline involving a blue whelp in UBRS and Chromie in Andorhol, you have to talk to a shapeshifter blue dragon in Winterspring to get her help with something. She agrees to help you, but after you accept her quest she punts you clear to Western Plaguelands, where you fly across Winterspring, teleport, and then land in WPL.

Man that was a shocker the first time I did it lol. Never expected a quest accept to send me flying.


Not so much “easier” as is the nodes are just trying to preemptively kill you.

Hmmm maybe the should add curses for the beasts to haunt the skinner after…


Back in Vanilla there were a several troll mobs scattered around the world and in troll dungeons/raids like ST and ZG where if you killed them, they’d spawn a spirit that was untargetable, hit like a truck, and would slowly follow you around for a few seconds before dispersing. Maybe bring that back except beast-flavored.


Herbing the wind nodes is definetly more deadly lol. I thought it was funny. Not fun to have your rep buff destroyed though.

I’ve been killed by poison once.
Killed by what I think is, wind? but either way, don’t see it coming and be standing on a high cliff…then all of a sudden… shot half way across the map to my death.

I did, for decay you can jump to remove stacks, pop a defensive or immunity while or after herbing it.

In my hunter I use turtle before herbing it and then jump until I start vomiting on the ground

It is entertaining. Pro tip – you can use dwarf racial to get rid of the molten DoT. Glad I learned that early on.


I’m going try one ability a bear can use it may work on it.I’ll see lol ,or die in the process.

disease dispels work too if you happen to have one, jumping repeatedly removes to the dot altogether, good luck!

Ive never had this much fun with herbing. The wind ones are a bit annoying but the others are really fun, and the more you level herbalism, the better you can counter its effects.

Not only does this make the profession a lot more fun to do; I think this also makes it a lot more difficult for bots to do herbing. And considering herbing bots have been a big issue for atleast the last 2 expansions, if not more…

…It’s a win win situation really.

Where is my fire herb though? Light me up, sweet hochenblume!


i think this is a wonderful addition, but maybe as a dracthyr im bias as someone who can glide halfway across the zone at super speed from the wind herbs :dracthyr_nod:


One in a cave blew up and totally did me in. I was shocked

Hahahaha wait till a Battle Pet your trying to catch walks you right off a cliff…almost killed me …was still able to pet battle and catch the little bugger…

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The happening is happening in WoW.

Be nicer to plants and minerals…

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Mining/Herbing etc is not exactly exciting stuff, that they’ve thought to add some fun to this mundane task makes me smile.

I like that they are making the effort.

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You can make and save many builds, just have a farming build

I actually like that idea. OOH! Dredge up the DEHTA faction and have them side with the primalists and just have them show up every now and then when someone skins a thing to try and kill the skinner.

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Molten Nodes… my first one I was like Oh cool I can mine this… then I was like oh cool i’m on fire… wait… I’m taking 10% health per a tick… it’s 10 seconds… oh no… and I survive because Purgatory procs. Only to get splatted if something was close enough to aggro on me.

I’ll go ahead and start selling my services as a tank for your herb farming.
I get 10% of all gold generated from the sell of herbs and commodities made from said herbs.
And a 10k Gold retainer fee per hour. No refunds on death or dismemberment. Warmode farming is 20k Gold (double because I find it more annoying)

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The Warmode unique nodes are really fun though. The Ore one (Infurious?) knocks everything back quite a bit except you, sucks if they’re on a ledge hehe.

Of course that means it also agrroes everything it hits.

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