Death by herbing was a bold design choice

Im game

Windy plants… not that I know of. I’ve just stopped picking them unless they’re close to the ground. I think I’m at three deaths on my druid.

TIL there are nodes unique to WM lol.

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You know, when I saw this post on my news feed I thought it was about overdosing in the game on some new item and I was very confused but also slightly intrigued

That is awesome in my book :+1::sunglasses:

Does this happen with other professions?

Man, I wish I had more time to play :sob:

haha first blown off a cliff i was laughing i like bliz puts in all these strange little things, its amusing and part of how bliz has always been right from the start when they were obsessed with poop

really?? i pet battle daily so far is ok but these only the wild ones as i collect, so figuring its gotta be the others that turn into wq etc

technically all herbs fight back

It wasn’t reported as a WG pet battle it was reported as a wild pet battle tame…matter fact I had it happen to me on this toon as I was trying for a wild pet on cliff side I had forgot what a player had reported in Pet Battle forums about this…I was walked right off the cliff almost to my death but got lucky I landed on a outcrop of a rock …could still finish the pet battle and get the pet I got to cage too…but yeah you got to watch those pets you battle on the cliffs for sure.

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Sometimes when you start a pet battle… It places your char[1] into something like lava… Which does damage to your char as you battle. :slight_smile:

So just be aware that if you clicky on a pet near a lava feature, the game may put you into the lava for the battle.

[1] char meaning your player avatar. Not your pet. Just to be clear.

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You’re using a lot nicer words than I would to describe this blatant FTP garbage in a paid game. I genuinely hate Blizzard.

Lmao wut?

Someone getting dunked on by herbs apparently.

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Lol what :joy:

Did the herbs one-shot you and teabag your corpse and then also pee in your Wheaties? Good grief.


You can also get rid of the fire debuff by jumping into water or, oddly enough, lava.

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IKR, it means “fire bloom” and it doesn’t set us aflame.

A time sink. Nothing more.

So your going to try and fix the wheel next? If it ain’t broke why fix it. I play this game to relax not get stressed out because I forgot or didn’t know about a new system that has been put in place that I knew nothing about. I don’t need to play beta to find out things I want to explore and take my time.

You really need to learn what words mean before you start mad libbing all over the place just cause you got knocked off a cliff by a plant.

Scrub: 0
Shrub: 1

You do realize we’ve had things attack or do something to us while herbing/mining in the past 3 expansions right?

I think WoD had the Gorran attack miners but can’t remember.

If you were smart you would carry goblin gliders