Death by herbing was a bold design choice


This works in Dragon Isles

Not sure if it will work with the wind though.

Also works with dismounting in the air. And you hold it while flying making you look very posh.


Honestly, I thought it was hilarious…and it’s gotten me more than once lmao

You guys complaining need to suck it up this isnt even close to the conditions we had to work in back in the good ole days.

They made profession gathering not chill, gotta watch out and pay attention both to get to them and to do them. They want everything to be dangerous I guess or have no way to counter it.


Before I figured out what was killing me, I was just flopping around hitting all my defensive, not know what was going on.


That’s handy. I’ve been using cloak and stone form a lot but I’m just lucky I’m objectively the greatest wow race

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You can herb while mounted on your drake it’s really not the end of the world

I get the feeling it was designed to combat bots.


Easy guide to not die/get annoyed to/by nodes:

Windswept: as a drruid you can save your wild charge to avoid dying

Frost herbs: strafe out of the zone without moving forward and you won’t slip

Molten ore: jump into a pool of water to remove the fire debuff


I found it hilarious and i loved it. It also probably cuts down on botting.


The plants that decay are the ones that got me. I was like what the heck killed me?


Got to start jumping immediately. Hard to do when you don’t notice it until you’re already in the air with your dragon.

Eventually you get to the point where you’re only looking for special nodes to get their rousing element drops.


The ice herbs you can toggle the walk key and you won’t slip, fun little interaction.


I was at first confused then butst out laughing when a rot plant killed me at harvesting it. Made sure i had heals ready second time.

Lol I laughed my behind off the first time and herb killed me. It was hilarious! Didn’t notice it was a wind herb, flung me off the top of a tall spindly rock tower.

That is not all out there that is trying to kill us…there are some battle pets on cliff areas that when you start the pet battle you are walked off the cliff to your death…haha

The decay is a 10 min disease. I guess its fine if you have a dispel but most dont

The Dragon Isles are a very dangerous place, especially for all these non scaled squishy people running around all over it.

Even the frogs have armor and horns here…

Its like a methapor for Australia where almost everything can kill you, even the plants.


Note that you eventually mitigate these side effects as you unlock perks in the profession specialization trees.

You can dive into lava to remove the debuff.