Death by herbing was a bold design choice

I knew it! I knew they where going to do this,omg! :pleading_face:

Druid cleanse doesn’t cure disease unless you are resto, and early on, Decay would kill me even through healing touch spam.

Spec’ing differently than most ended up working out, though, I’ve made a lot of gold with little effort.

It’s lower now, but was 1k per essence on day one, but even though Air has surpassed it, Decay continues to be number 3 in price at around 600 gold (Titan/Order price went through the roof once people moved away from the starting zone, but it should go back down eventually). Also, it is super abundant in the same area that Writhebark spawns, so the price has decreased only because people are farming Writhebark (same for frost essence). For the sake of time and efficiency, I chose to spec into it to avoid deaths / flying to node, or at least having to stand still to heal it for long.

The thing for me was, Draconium/Writhebark/R3 of Ore and most herbs, and then Frost/Air/Order were all pricier.

Decay may prove to hold value due to annoyance factor, and Order may hold value due to sheer raw amount that the market is using. The stuff literally sells as it lists right now.

My only problem is the 4 hour cd when my table explodes. 1 hour would have been fine.

Getting killed by a gathering a herb sounds hilarious

I mean, you don’t have to put points into it, just points in elemental and unlock decay so it no longer kills you. It’s better to spend the points on something more marketable.

Order is the way to go right now, but it might decrease eventually because it spawns right around the main hub. Air is farmed really far away; that’s definitely safer to spend on.

Hahaha, I told my husband to stock up on goblin gliders before release…people are going to want those when they are picking herbs. The windswept herbs are hilarious, i’ve seen a few people go flying. If you can back yourself up against a wall or a tree, or something and stand still, it usually negates the effect. Usually

Mimics have been a thing for years. Work on your perception checks.

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That is such a stupid idea, I just saw a clip of it since I don’t have DF officially.

Yep, I’m just happy AMS and other damage reducers seem to help against the fire debuff lol. Ive never had to ask myself if I have to heal before mining a node!

I ask myself that all the time. But I don’t have mining on this toon and im a clearly insane person

Herbs be like:


We alchemists and herbalists live a dangerous and short life but our legacy is of strength.

Anyways, thank god for gliding and healing.

I am gathering on a hunter and haven’t died yet from the gathering. I had no idea what was going on at first but I think it’s funny and a neat bit of flavor.

u is a druid heal urself bro

Not just herbing, miners are affected to. Though I find this is completely mitigated by having a larger health pool. The damage isn’t percentage based.

Mining is more objectively dangerous since herbing you can mitigate with proper placement and/or having a slowfall effect or potion. Mining fire nodes puts a massive dot on you that will really mess you up unless you happen to be near deep enough water. Not even sure if eating would get interrupted or even if it out paces the damage.

Still it isn’t like either is super hard to contend with.

didn’t think of this, bots can probably defeat decayed herbs easily but the others not so much, however the beauty of a bot is if can run 24/7, they can just avoid these herbs and they’ll be fine.

and combating bots doesn’t justify annoying the hell out of the non bot player base tho.

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“Feed me Seymore!”

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I think it’s a minor annoyance for a massive help to real gatherers. I made 700k gold on 3 days of gathering, in past expansions that wouldn’t be possible because the bots destroy the market on day 1.