Death by herbing was a bold design choice

….and still refuses to get a goblin glider. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And in several months, will the joke still be funny?

Somehow I doubt it.

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I love it personally. it brings a sense of danger and adventure to something that use to be a bit boring to do.


lol /10 char

Well hopefully I wont be a complete dork and can plan ahead and have an escape route, Im sure there’s a trick to avoid it. Lets figure it out. Maybe its like pick and hop sideways, who knows? And if it slows down bots, what a bonus :slight_smile:

Ah yes. When I want to level a profession, I too want to do the resource dance hundreds, upon hundreds, upon hundreds of times.

What fun.

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2 deaths from being blown off of mesas.
2 death from the decay herb
1 death from an alchemy station explosion

It’s been more dangerous than the open world with:
2 combat deaths
1 suicide jump by moving before fully mounted on my dragon.

All in all, light years better than Shadowlands.


Actually the surprise of herb and mining is reviving my interest in the game.

SL and ZM really burned me out. The gathering is unexpectedly fun and I love randomness in this vein. A bit of whimsy that has been sorely lacking.

The little quests have been a nice change as well. Loved the Happy Duck one.

Can’t wait until i have a chance to read the dwarf dragon’s letter. Got it just before I had to log off. That was a great story.


I beg your pardon? They what?? :anguished::sweat_smile:

I started leveling my Herbalism/Inscription yesterday, and was minding my own business gathering some Witherbark. I see something with the affix, ‘Decayed’.

‘Huh, that probably gives less herbs, but herbs are herbs!’ I swoop down and pick it up and it actually gave me a bit more, plus one of the elemental items! Wow!

I mount back up and fly on my merry way…and drop from the skies seconds later, dead. I don’t have War Mode on so I didn’t just get one tapped by some jerk…I wasn’t in combat…Nothing was hitting me!

I check my combat logs, maybe a GM was just having a bad day and really dislikes Gnomes. Turns out the ‘Decayed’ affix gives you a DoT titled Decay, ticking for 13K, 26K on crits which it did three times.

You can jump to remove the debuff, but I didn’t really expect plants to apply debuffs, let alone boss-tier ones! The Dragon Isles are scary!

You should have enough time to get on your dragon before the first knockback.

This is such a gross exaggeration lol. My char is min/eng and I’ve leveled it up pretty far at this point and never even came close to dying once.

Anyway, I think it’s fun. I’m really enjoying the interactivity in the world with this expac.


ooo, that explains where the fire dot came from that was killing me. Thankfully I’m a Paladin and can heal myself

Why did I automatically think of Sandra Bullock in the movie The Proposal??


I didn’t think this was a big deal especially if you have a class that dispels. I did get yeeted miles away from the wind one but my main is Pally so I never die lol.

Decay, can’t say. Haven’t farmed that because market value is low.

Wind, yeah. I’ve had it yeet me into flying to another herb which I consider efficient.

I’m a skinner, I’m used to my nodes trying to kill me


Wait, what? My miner hasn’t gone out yet but now I’m thankful he’s a tank!

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But they’re not coming back to life and two shotting you.

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That’s nothing! I was reading that flasks and elixirs on the test server are now giving explosive diarrhea. It works as a CC because you slip and fall in it. Terrible for a mage. I am going to threaten to quit if they publish it.

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