Death by herbing was a bold design choice

Niche he says.

‘Lulzsorandom’ isn’t fun, though. I just want to gather a thing or two in peace, why do I have to be ready for RNG to potentially ruin my flow?


Aussie rules

again, just use your points carefully and you won’t have to deal with it. If wind is the only thing you are worried about, you are in luck because that’s only 5 on elemental + 40 on wind = 45 points. We got 50 points this week, you can max it out if you like and you’ll make a lot of gold anyway because wind element sells super high, like 800 gold per.

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If you don’t jump a few times after picking a decayed herb, you will melt.


I came across a fire node I think.

All I know is I stuck that mining node heard the burn noise (like I walked in to lava) and ended up with a debuff that almost killed me.

I’m really enjoying this expansion!! Truthfully!

Reading all the comments made me realise why I suddenly needed to use a Healthstone after mining a node.

Thanks for the info. :slightly_smiling_face:


Shove yourself into the nearest crevice, preferably as tight of one as you can find.

And pray.


Lol i laughed when i died from poison i didnt even realize i had a debuff lol


Use Goblin Gliders!

When the damned plants aren’t tossing you into elites, yeah. :frowning:

LOL!!! That sounds awesome. :smiley:

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DF herb gathering and mining are such health hazards lol.

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The trick I’ve found in general is to spam your Dragonriding mount bind as you finish herbing.

Really helps with carrying that wind momentum into moving to the next node. You’re gonna be flying either way, yeah?

(Funniest was me not noticing a Wind herb was actually a Wind herb, grabbing it, mining a nearby Draconium node since I have mounted gathers for both professions, and immediately being yeeted off a cliff as I finished mining.)


in order to post links to images your forum account needs to achieve trust level 3.

earning forum trust levels is mentioned midway in this post:


I just logged in to try this… but ended up getting the final knowledge point I needed for opening windswept spec before I found a wind plant…

When I found a wind plant, I stood still and it didn’t seem to move me; but I can’t tell if it was because now I’m spec’d into it or if it was because of not moving.

And thats why I keep goblin gliders on my herbalists and marked on the action bar. Just in case I get knocked off one of those high area herb nodes…

does it help with wind or decay herbs? I don’t think it matters for me anymore because I just spec’d into both of those, but I was wondering.

*Eats Thallia and blows himself into the next zone*

you guys are soooo boring, its new , it keeps you on your toes and did I mention, new? How many years must we do the exact same thing, FFS??
I think its funny, and if this game is a job for you, what does that say in the first place?