Death by herbing was a bold design choice

I ask myself that all the time. But I don’t have mining on this toon and im a clearly insane person

Herbs be like:


We alchemists and herbalists live a dangerous and short life but our legacy is of strength.

Anyways, thank god for gliding and healing.

I am gathering on a hunter and haven’t died yet from the gathering. I had no idea what was going on at first but I think it’s funny and a neat bit of flavor.

u is a druid heal urself bro

Not just herbing, miners are affected to. Though I find this is completely mitigated by having a larger health pool. The damage isn’t percentage based.

Mining is more objectively dangerous since herbing you can mitigate with proper placement and/or having a slowfall effect or potion. Mining fire nodes puts a massive dot on you that will really mess you up unless you happen to be near deep enough water. Not even sure if eating would get interrupted or even if it out paces the damage.

Still it isn’t like either is super hard to contend with.

didn’t think of this, bots can probably defeat decayed herbs easily but the others not so much, however the beauty of a bot is if can run 24/7, they can just avoid these herbs and they’ll be fine.

and combating bots doesn’t justify annoying the hell out of the non bot player base tho.

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“Feed me Seymore!”

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I think it’s a minor annoyance for a massive help to real gatherers. I made 700k gold on 3 days of gathering, in past expansions that wouldn’t be possible because the bots destroy the market on day 1.


This works in Dragon Isles

Not sure if it will work with the wind though.

Also works with dismounting in the air. And you hold it while flying making you look very posh.


Honestly, I thought it was hilarious…and it’s gotten me more than once lmao

You guys complaining need to suck it up this isnt even close to the conditions we had to work in back in the good ole days.

They made profession gathering not chill, gotta watch out and pay attention both to get to them and to do them. They want everything to be dangerous I guess or have no way to counter it.


Before I figured out what was killing me, I was just flopping around hitting all my defensive, not know what was going on.


That’s handy. I’ve been using cloak and stone form a lot but I’m just lucky I’m objectively the greatest wow race

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You can herb while mounted on your drake it’s really not the end of the world

I get the feeling it was designed to combat bots.


Easy guide to not die/get annoyed to/by nodes:

Windswept: as a drruid you can save your wild charge to avoid dying

Frost herbs: strafe out of the zone without moving forward and you won’t slip

Molten ore: jump into a pool of water to remove the fire debuff


I found it hilarious and i loved it. It also probably cuts down on botting.