Dear Mr. President

I don’t even know what that means. Or why politics became part of the conversation.

I mean Feral was absolutely ridiculous in WPvP and duels, so there’s that.

That’s what I don’t get: the spec is fine and works well for players when it’s properly developed for its unofficially-designated purpose. They just don’t want to dedicate the time to make it viable for keys, because they don’t want us to use it for keys.

The thing is, if the spec isn’t too complicated for PvP then it’s not too complicated for PvE. So they’d be better off properly tuning the spec for m+, and letting the player have the freedom to choose, rather than make that decision for us.

which president - president of WOW or Biden:???

You killed a dev one too many times… :wink:

no hybrid should be top dps.

they should have great utility though.

When it comes to M+, couple of points about this…

First, we’re not asking to be top DPS. Just not 34% off from the top DPS, which is…

Wait for it…

Monk, a hybrid class.

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Believing in the hybrid tax in 2022


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Yup, 3 of the top 6 are hybrids.

Well blizzard is struggling then.

It should definitely still exist.

is this letter for Biden - it says dear Prez