Dear Mr. President

pretty sure ian said they made certain spec bad was intentional

Mike has stated before that he doesn’t command anything about WoW. He has so much to do running all of Blizzard. Ion is the one to address about that stuff.

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The thing is, Feral isn’t even bad in raid in terms of numbers. It just takes a melee spot and doesn’t bring any unique utility. In M+, I’ll grant their AoE is a bit lacking. They just run into the problem of being a sin rogue without shroud.

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i support this.
but i will say he is somewhat good at planting orcs

He’s in charge of the people working on WoW. Ion answers to him (along with anyone else in-between them in the chain). If your boss tells you do something then you do it. He can fix this mess
 but he’d need to actually know about it first, and then care enough to do something about it.

Neither seems likely, but I thought I’d try one last thing before finally giving up on the spec or just letting my subscription expire and finally be done with this endlessly frustrating company.

That’s a clever way to justify failure and inadequacy. It’s worked out well for him thus far. Bad for the player’s experience though.


Presidents of entire corporations do not piddle around with peon workers telling them what to do in one branch of a huge company. His job is to make sure the bottom line is where it needs to be and tells marketing and finance what to do. Ion answers more to marketing than he does to the president.

Also, just for future reference, because not everyone reads the stickied guidelines:

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Lead designer of the company’s cornerstone IP is hardly a peon. But yes, his job duties don’t include micromanaging game design. However, he is an active m+ player. If he has time to do +20 keys then he has time to ask Ion to make feral competitive in keys while grabbing a cup of coffee or passing him in the hall.

The name of the President of Blizzard is public knowledge, appropriately and frequently used on these forums within the guidelines of the forum code of conduct. I did not use the words “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any community team members’ names in my thread topic.

You don’t know this.

You obviously haven’t worked for one. People talk. If the president, who runs keys, bumps into the lead dev of the game he plays in his free time it might just come up in conversation. They aren’t robots you know.

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Feral has been neutered. Poor cats.


On the ladder of people, yes, he is. Ybarra doesn’t tell anyone what to do with a class in one game out of a bunch.

That’s not how corporations work. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Also: I’d suggest reading my edit. Just in case Blizz cares and removes the thread, you’ll know why. Not that they absolutely will, they may ignore it entirely or change some wording. Who knows. Mods are weird.

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Feral is hella ST, but they’re completely outclassed by Boomkins in every respect. I hate to say it for the feral mains out there, but it’s entirely intentional.

They deliberately did not offset Feral’s melee weakness against Boomkin’s ranged, and the boomie burst is pretty broken.

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Replied to this above in my edit. Also, anyone ever mention that you are a particularly disagreeable white knight. Perhaps the most pretentious I’ve encountered.


I think you might need to learn the definition of “white knight.” Nowhere in here have I defended anything. I gave you information on how your plea is falling on no one’s ears, because Ybarra isn’t who you need to talk to.

None of which is “pretentious,” either. It’s simply fact.

If you want someone to hear you, your best best is to target the Community Council or in game suggestions. Not Ybarra on a forum.

But keep up with the failed insults. That’ll get you far. :+1:

what about a dark knight

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No one wants me to be Batman. :grin:

This is, sadly, simply what it’s come to. It wasn’t my first option. I’ve been posting on these forums for years, especially each PTR forum, asking for them to help feral in m+ to no avail. I’ve pasted an entire “feral manifesto” from the world’s #3 feral, cited sim data, io data, in-game logs, along with my own experience forming groups and doing keys. Other feral players have done the same, and it’s fallen on deaf ears everytime.

The Community Council pointed out feral’s problems via a post on niche specs, which I also linked/referenced in two posts I made on the 9.2 PTR. It has also been ignored. Outside of WoW, content creators have been trying to bring attention to this as well, which has also not made any impact whatsoever.

So, I just don’t know what else to do, other than make one last ditch effort to circumvent the chain of command in some fool’s hope that Mike might occassionally frequent these forums. I’m sorry for insulting you, but I’m just exhausting my last option before abandoning my main spec of 10+ years.

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Ah, so as usual, Blizz ignores Druid issues and the forums then turn it into “DRUIDS ARE SO ENTITLED!”

Well, you’re not going to get Ybarra’s attention here. I’d suggest Twitter.

Oh, it’s alright. I get snippy around here, too. I understand completely. And I apologize for frustrating you.

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I don’t use Twitter, but I’m hoping there’s a feral player out there who knows how to get into contact with him there. Suppose I could make an account just for that purpose, but can you even DM people there? Either way, it’d probably be more impactful if it came from a content creator like Psybearslat, but I think even he’s done with feral now too.

Likely just another excercise in futility, but we’ll see. Will probably give it a few weeks to see if they revert the nerf to our tier set and/or buff our core AoE abilities and give us LotP or shroud (the latter seems extremely unlikely)
 that’s if I actually renew my sub in a few days. Haven’t even stepped foot into Zereth Mortis yet, as all form of motivation has been lost.


you can be a pink knight

with a biden mask ok LOOL