Dear Mr. President

Dear Mike,

Please make your devs do their job: analyze the data, make the appropriate changes, and save feral. This spec has been bottom-tier every m+ season. Your devs are either intentionally making this spec bad or are incompetent.

I know times have been tough, and I don’t want to be rude… but, come on man. It’s been five years. This is unacceptable.


Yeah ok

Absolutely, 100%

Fully endorse!

Whoooaa, no no no. Drop a nuke on feral and keep it moving.


Yeah at this point Feral needs to absolutely dominate a season


Content offered comes in many forms.

A supposedly playable class that literally cannot compete to the rest is, by definition, not actually playable.

:crying_cat_face: plz halp


We are currently close to a year per content patch. There are other fish to fry.



Druids, among them, Feral Druids, are supposedly offered the chance to play.

This is a Blizzard fault that no one sane would take such a poorly balanced spec into any situation.

It’s gotta be intentional, right? They are seeing the same numbers that we are… I just don’t understand. Why intentionally make a spec bad at something for so long and ruin so many players’ experience?

Most likely reason?

“We don’t play Feral Druid, and neither should you!”

Without evidence of their logic, it’s entirely reasonable after so much time to just figure it’s legitimately intentional now.

It’s been, what, five years now?

At this point at the very least the silence is intentional.

Past that?

It’s not exactly like they’re open most of the time about the why on most of the game, let alone how Race, Class, and Spec balance passes are concerned.

Nuke all druid specs, your class hero is Malfurion and he sucks.

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Writing issue.

Not a Druid issue.

Both are Blizzard’s fault and according to history, Blizzard’s choice to not fix.

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the devs are looking at the data, and the data says feral being good = bad for game. Therefore feral must be bad spec. You can’t argue with this, my made up sources trump any sort of logic.

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Well, that would make more sense than a bunch of college-educated developers and programmers not being able to do high school math.

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Feral is in a spot where they need to find a way to buff it in PvE without making it too strong in PvP.

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that is the best summery of the average forum discourse I’ve yet seen. bravo

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they have pvp ability modifiers that they could decrease as they increase the base numbers, so that’s not a problem.

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He’s not in charge of WoW.

I am guessing this is a Microsoft management call out?

No one at Microsoft has any type of control over the game at all right now. You must be new to mergers and acquisitions but they take one to two years to finalize. Until they are finalized you cannot take control. So in another two years once the federal government has approved the paperwork and then it’s been sent back to both Microsoft and blizzard re-sign off on it we will see where Microsoft takes things

I used to think this too, but they often only adjust abilities for PvP. Plus, we already have LotP there. Giving us that back and buffing our AoE will have little impact on PvP. If the extra talent and cleave damage unbalances things then they can adjust accordingly.

The whole notion of keeping a class broken for one or more pillars of end-game for 5+ years in order to maintain balance in another is absurd and degenerate.


Feral druid spec is stuck on a dead Classic server. Logic implies this, so find a way to Suck or Pay for what you want out of them.

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