idk i really like remix , i hope they do more, it is more fun to me farm trasmog this way than just do old raids
Collectors are some of the most miserable WoW players by actively creating problems for themselves. No Rebecca, you don’t need every single item from the vendor.
I play remix for like an hr a day and I’m pretty much done with most of the achievements and have all of the remix unique mounts as well as some world boss mounts with like 80+ days left of the event.
Literally zero reason to sweat in this game mode. I can’t even spell frug let alone spend hours grinding mindlessly for a power that is going away forever in 2-3 months and is irrelevant.
I don’t think it was supposed to be easy to get all of the rewards. There’s a crazy stupid amount of transmogs, mounts, etc.
I’ll be honest though, I’m not someone who feels like I have to collect every single item or transmog, I only go after the ones that personally interest me and what I’ll possibly use. I’m not putting down collectors, it’s totally fine to like that, but I don’t think collecting all of the transmogs was supposed to be easy.
I had fun leveling through it, got enough bronze to buy the things I wanted, and I’m pretty much done. If this is a deal break for you, then absolutely go play something else that you will enjoy more.
They’ve been ranting since ReMix started.
I probably won’t spend a single bronze in upgrading anything lol. Just get what I want and dip out.
If you really look at the transmogs most of them are things you will be able to get in retail. Instead of focusing on everything that is offered looking at what will go away or go back to being a grind to farm will reduce that pool of items. Raid, dungeon and world quest items are easy farms. The low rate drop mounts, pets, toys, not so much so buying those is what I plan on doing. The ReMix only recolors are also on my todo list. Then there is a ton of stuff I already have from playing MoP.
It really is not that bad once you factor in what will be left for you to get in retail or what you already have.
And yet proven to be absolutely true by player behavior.
Pretty sure this has been the base of all your posts for about 4 months now.
See you in TWW
I actually didn’t intend to mess with this because of the debacle with the froggers but a friend has dragged me in. I’m not finding this to be as much of a slog as you, I’m not gonna have any trouble at all being able to get enough bronze to buy all the stuff I want. Not sure what you’re doing out there, or not doing, that you won’t. Maybe check some guides?
As for fun, I’ve got some tinkers in place that proc constantly and mow down everything around me. I find that quite fun tbh.
I said before it launched that I was not going to touch Remix, I reckon I could see the writing on the wall based on past performances by Blizz. It was/is just too much to chew with the other big projects on the plate.
The sad part is, they have spent so much time and resources whack-a-moliing nonsense that we are now bound to see them mess up important core things…like TWW and warbands etc, things that actually matter, things we literally pay for, things that are actually part of WoW and not a side hustle distraction. I reckon the saddest part is the playerbase accepts substandard, many here on the forums gaslight and defend it.
The best case was never to have rolled it out. Second best was once it was out, and all the holes were found Blizz coulda just told people to ham it up, it is not real WoW anyway, have fun and get 10 billion HP…why they went the “no fun allowed” route seemed doubling down on stupid to me.
I’m having a blast. My husband is having a blast and has levelled over a dozen characters. House mate is having a blast.
Maybe we aren’t as sophisticated gamers as you are (though while maybe true in my case … DH has been gaming for 25 + years), but it kind of sounds like this is a you issue. You don’t like it and aren’t enjoying it, then don’t play it. But to imply that no one is enjoying it, is just a flat out fallacy.
Yea, they are too busy making Dracthyr that “look like me” instead of making lore accurate and relatable cool stuff + balancing the game in a good way… But hey, it’s 2024 so this is the crap we have to deal with. Great franchises taken over and ruined by people who know better.
Can I have your gold
Theres no “tempo of content”. Theres no race. Theres no keeping up with others. Do you not understand that this is a mode meant to not be taken seriously? Its about leveling alts and collecting some rewards from MoP that people might not have.
Why do people care how others are playing the game? Theres no way you’re actually playing to have fun if you think like this.
Okay, so go play Final Fantasy again like you cried about two days ago. Don’t let the door hurt you, go enjoy doing MSQ roulette again since it’s so much better.
Wah…no one told you to read it OR waste your time responding to it
tldr:wahhh boohooo
What I know is you 3 post alts cant seem to get those reading skills up to snuff enough to get an overall POINT…so instead of wasting my time with you Imma just put you on ignore
Played so much already Ive had to take a break the last two days so my eyes can stop bleeding from staring at the monitor so much, lol