Dear Dev team: Thanks for making my decision to permanently unsubscribe to the game easier

I have unsubscribed from the game after the disaster that is Remix. You’ve shown that you not only don’t test any new content, but will also blame players for the FOMO environment that you designed yourself. 2 million cap on bronze is insane, and only the exploiters who used frogs and goats were able to hit that cap. For the rest of us, the answer is: just level 50+ lvl 70 characters, and grind on 5+ chars for 70+ days. You also reset stats for people who used frogs, something I’m still shocked by to this day. I’m apalled you’d do something so short sighted. It achieved nothing at all. I’m not bothered, however, I didn’t want their stats rolled back either.

Your advertisement for MOP remix was totally false. You claimed this would be lighthearted and fun, which is a lie. Not even remotely true. This is a horrific sweatfest

If this is what awaits us in the war within and in the future, you don’t need my money. It’s better spent on things that bring me joy, not a miserable, laborious grind. I’ll just go play something that gives me more relaxing enjoyment like Stardew Valley, or the other indie games emerging that offer peace and tranquility.


I suggest Dead Estate :smiley:

Nevermind lol


Am I the only one here that remembers there’s like 80 days left?


Time is an illusion.

The only moment that exists is now.


So just because there’s 80 days left you think we want to spend that much time grinding on something that’s just not fun to play at all? They also released it at the exact same time as cata classic, as well as retail season 4. So there is no possible way you can do all of them. In fact, if you’re casual and did this alone, you wouldn’t be able to get all the rewards


Well, I never had any idea Remix would be a thing at all, and I ended up grinding a lot of that content out over the years and when it was current.

I’m only really there for the new stuff, and the meta achievements, so I will kinda do as much as I can, I doubt I’ll get it all either. Not really trying to, just the stuff I want.

I honestly don’t think you’re ever supposed to get everything unless you really aspired to, and I think it’s quite possible if you played Remix every day of it remaining, in fact it’s I think it’s very doable, just grindy as heck.

They’ll also probably do what they did with Plunderstorm, and increase gains towards the end of the event.


Can I have your teeth? I have dredger friends in Revendreth who are always asking.
So far no takers. Maybe this time my request is in early enough.


I read a book that said you could go around the world in that time! Plenty of time to enjoy - and get bored by - MoP.


So… I get what I want and don’t suffer from FOMO nonsense.

People complain about the most silliest of things.


You aren’t supposed to.

You aren’t supposed to.

Part of being an adult is being okay with not having everything you could ever potentially want.


Don’t you make this thread at least once a day? If you truly did unsubscribe then you’d actually leave, not chain yourself to the forums trying to convince everyone (mostly yourself) that you’re not playing and not addicted. Seek professional help.


Totally false. Nobody could ever make that trip. I’d wager my membership to the Reform Club.


So if that’s what you feel, what are you doing here?


Zut, alors! I see you’ve read a thing or two about a thing or two

I think that’s what David Byrne asked himself when he wrote that big ‘ol song about letting the days go by.


Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real .


i do get the point of everything youve posted and i agree with the spirit of it all.
But blizzard likely wanted it to be lighthearted and likely hoped the dreadlords of Flatbush would maybe take it easy since this was just supposed to be a fun event, lol

I think blizzard many times actually forgets that some of their player base take video games WAY too seriously, likely because its the sole focus of their lives…which is ok, some might be disabled / shut ins…but they are going to be more aggressive with the game than many of the rest of us.

We hate gating, but gating is EXACTLY what has to be done to keep these players from swarming past the rest of us like locusts, lol.

They should have set a daily limit on some of this stuff so no one could be at endgame while others were just starting…and no…all the whining responses in the world that are about to happen in here over that statement is going to change my mind or make me recant. Cope.

This is a multi player game and gating HAS to be a thing so 18 hour a day edgelords cant get 70 miles ahead of the rest of the player base and ruin the tempo of the content.


I just read the lyrics to “letting the days go by” and now I’m more confused.


Says the one voluntarily giving them money.


you just blew my mind lol
Did you watch the youtube video where they are discussing whether time actually ‘passes’ or is static?
VERY interesting stuff.

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What exactly are you complaining about? You mention Frogger nerfs (which existed in actual MoP, so not deemed an exploit by anyone but modern Blizzard), but say you’re not appalled, and not bothered.

Like, you sound like you wanted a soulless grind early on, and you feel burned for not capitalizing on it, but simultaneously complaining it’s too much of a grind.

So, what is it? Is it too much effort to log in and do 20-30 minutes of dailies over a long period, or spend 16 hours straight grinding something ahead of everyone else across a few days?