Dear Classic Devs: Do you really think WSG was meant to be this pointless

If youre gonna sort BGs by honor output you already lost the plot.

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Maybe you can understand why so many of us have no interest in the expansions?

Did a /who Warsong last night during peak hours (9pm st) … you can imagine my pikachu face when it displayed that there weren’t even 10 lvl 60s in there.

When you can’t even find 10 players … on Horde … playing the ‘PvP-heavy battleground’ … on a PvP server … at peak hours … that’s when you know they screwed up PvP in Classic.

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Sounds like you are starting to understand “you think you do but you don’t”

Does /who work cross realm? Did it show only your realm? Where were you when you did the /who, in the instance or idling in a Capital City?

Sounds like your /who isn’t as damning as you want it to be.

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Nope, it doesn’t.


Was pretty sure it doesn’t. Haven’t bothered to try in Classic.

The real enemy is cross server Q’s. In vanilla, AV queue times and match lengths made it a poor candidate for honor farming. Even getting exalted was a very long process gained through large amounts of turtle matches and quest turn ins. Even at peak hours, there may have only been 2 or 3 AV matches going on and there was a large probability of finally joining after hours and it being a match with 0 chance of winning. Now with x-server BG’s being a thing, from alliance perspective it is much easier to just spam AV’s for rep and honor, then to compete with the premade horde groups in WSG.

Even WSG is much different due to x-server Q’s. With same server only Q’s, there were only a handful of GOOD groups that you had to compete against, now there are huge amounts of these groups. Games take way longer and you will lose most of your matches unless you have a truly top tier group, and even then it isn’t really worth the effort put in.


FOCUS! Were talking about PvP here

it’s blizzard, they could easily make ranks based on kills and kdr, but no theyre based on just being near kills, whch made the afk farm av a thing.

Yes that would work out fantastic for healers.

really? do healers not get kills in retail? killing blows =/= kills.

Watching people slam their faces into AV endlessly is fairly hilarious considering so few of them are actually going to get the ranks they want.

Such behavior made sense when Honor was a spendable currency but in this system? Sheesh.

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AV was always massive honor, always.


…A person could probably play WSG 90 times, by the time a person finished 1 AV.

If you were lucky, and had a kickass group of people, you might win AV in 1 day, on average AV was going to take 3 days, sometimes AV was going to take a week.
(The player majority actually hated this, though a good number of us did like it because it felt epic, Naxx? what Naxx? I just survived 27 hours in AV and Won, suck on that!)

That was not the 1.12 pre-pre-BC patch AV though, during that patch
it became the autobahn you see now.

I never liked wsg in vanilla and won’t play it now.
I also was never big on av so did what I needed to do for revered.

Whether you want to accept reality or not, bgs are new and people are primary grinding rep and/or honor. At this time, av is the best option for both.

Just because wsg was the grinder bg in vanilla, that doesn’t automatically mean something is wrong with classic.

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Blockquote Sounds like you are starting to understand “you think you do but you don’t”

the only thing I think I don’t want in this wacky change to the game they threw in there. We’re literally just asking for things to function like they did 15 years ago.

What Mao is trying to say is that this isn’t #nochanges AV. This is #changes AV.

To suggest “we think we do but we don’t” isn’t valid, becuase we absolutely do, and Blizzard doesn’t.

Part of the meaning of “You think you do but you don’t” includes what it requires to deliver Classic. That means the modern infrastructure. Inherent changes to the delivery. That’s not game changes. The game is still the same.

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I’m fairly sure at this point there are no classic devs. Just a couple nonames that boast they were on the original team but at basically interns randomly releasing 15 year old content that’s already made without rhyme or reason.

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players changed how they play, blizzard isnt going to “fix” that

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