Dear Classic Devs: Do you really think WSG was meant to be this pointless

They aren’t going to change anything. If you haven’t realized by now, Blizzard released this and called it a day. Minimum work maximum profit. They won’t be earning more money if they decide to work on making the game better. People playing classic do so for nostalgia or because retail is crap, so no matter how bad this 1.12 with stupid leeway is… there isn’t anything better.

People defending the state of AV have bot routines that allow them to avoid being flagged AFK.

It isn’t the ranking experience I remember, at any rate – that’s for sure.

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Doesn’t matter what they think. The only thing that matters is how things were in 1.12.

If WSG was worthless then, it should be worthless in Classic. And by “worthless,” I mean the honor rewards should not be adjusted for WSG nor AV to make them more balanced.

No changes.

He’s making a point you’re clearly incapable of understanding.

The rewards are more often what drive players to participate in the content. Take away the loot from raiding, and few would raid.

Similarly, take away the honor from battlegrounds, and few would do battlegrounds. While not totally devoid of honor, WSG, to those concerned about their honor gains, provides far too little to be worth participating in.

With proper reputation rewards for doing WSG, it is, at the moment, a pointless BG to most people.

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All that time we spent saying “No changes” and everyone chooses to willingly ignore it or argue against it. This late game AV is the ultimate in changed content, followed closely behind by the late game PvP sets forcing even more people into the AV funnel. Sad.

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The reason we have 1.12 the way it is, is because of that. If you ever said “No changes”, you’re part of the reason things are the way they are.

I specifically remember stating no changes, 1.1 to 1.12 patch progression. This frankenpatch is in no way what I have ever advocated. What you’re witnessing is a final product that deviates from original design and balancing.

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And Blizzard specifically said they only have complete 1.12 database data. What else are they supposed to do when people like you say: “Modern Blizzard sucks, we don’t trust them to make changes!”

They took the only complete data they had, and said “Okay, you guys win; No-changes.”


“We don’t trust Modern Blizzard to make changes!”
“We don’t want them to touch the game!”
“We want 1.1 to 1.12 patch progression!”
“We don’t believe them when they say they don’t have earlier data!”
“They recreated 1.5 AV on BfA, who cares if it’s not accurate!”
“No changes…?”

The forums are really stupid.

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Sure, but I didn’t say Blizzard sucks so we can move past trying to make that a point of discussion here. I know you’re probably not meaning to characterize my point of view with those quotations, but it’s hard to discuss something when you do that.
I personally do believe they didn’t have the game files backed up, and I don’t have an issue with modern blizzard making changes because I have seen them make good decisions before. The rest of it is something I don’t really have too much of an opinion on, as it’s not important to what we currently have. I will bring up though that private servers have in the past replicated 1.5 AV, without major funding or financial support or a serious development team.

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no. battlegrounds are there for pvping. honor is a teriary reward and not the main objective. you pvp to pvp. doing it for any other reason is doing it wrong.

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Then you were never part of the mainline “No-changes” crowd. They didn’t want a single change that was not in Vanilla; recreating 1.5 AV without the data would be a change.

The “No-changers” who characterize themselves as such, that also wanted Blizzard to recreate patch progression or 1.5 AV without the data are hypocrites.

I like to think I was pretty simple with what I wanted from Classic, something a lot of people didn’t follow.
When I said “I wanna do it again” that just meant I wanted to do it again, nothing more and nothing less. What we have now is just another Kronos.

From what I can tell WSG was made to be the first bg to earn ranks through in vanilla. Then it was AB. AV was never used to rank because the earlier version was scaled harder and the honor was inefficient, but was the BG for fun. Introducing AV this early into classic takes all of that away. WSG is pointless for me to queue as a ranker, unless I want to just waste an half hour of honor grind. I’m forced into solo queueing AV. AV wasn’t made to be played like this, it is supposed to be the casual fun BG. WSG is supposed to be fun yet the place for honor ranking, which includes playing with friends, twinking, premading, and also having fun in general.

This experience is not enjoyable, and that is due to a poor executive decision on which version to implement on one BG.


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I want the blue pvp set. I am grinding AV to get it. Once achieved, it will be wsg and ab forever. Hopefully the only people playing those bg’s will be people who enjoy them and are there to play.

The honor orgy we are experiencing now is short lived, the pvp will be pure in the near future.

imagine playing a game for the fun of it, instead of the developers creating a false goal you make your own and have fun with friends you meet along the way. That is the true MMORPG way.

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Wsg was made just so paladins and druids can become friends in 45 minute matches.



I spent the majority of my time last week doing WSG solo/duo, because I find it more fun than AV. I got 198k honour with played times that get most people 600k-800k. Even premades don’t keep up, unless you are in the sweatist of sweaty teams that chain off 8 minute wins with almost zero losses.

I hate the current AV (although it’s getting more fun lately), but people care about their ranks. My challenge with AV is that very few of my friends (there are a couple) want to ever play it.

During the wPvP phase I made literally dozens of friends and was constantly in groups. Now I feel like I’m playing a solo game again.

The majority of people don’t do things unless they can progress their character via some carrot-on-a-stick. It’s what drives people to play RPG-style games. It’s just the way it is.

The game right now is an anti-social lobby game. Classic was a fantastic experience up to this point. The social atmosphere has been hit really hard since AV.

#nochanges is the dumbest concept this community ever conceived, because apparently it can mean whatever anyone wants it to mean… yet at the same time it’s treated like gospel.

“That’s the way it was in 1.01? That’s the way it should be in Classic… because #NoChanges
“That’s the way it was in 1.05? That’s the way it should be in Classic… because #NoChanges
“That’s the way it was in 1.12? That’s the way it should be in Classic… because #NoChanges

Everyone must submit to the NoChanges mantra!.. it matters not that no one is even sure what it means!


The quicker people stop using those two stupid words, the quicker their comments will be taken seriously.

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With that logic, all games are dead once people obtain the rewards.

This is not the case. Online persistent worlds live on due to the content itself being the reward. PvP because you enjoy PvP. Play in groups because you enjoy your group. Solo, because you enjoy being solo.

The fun is yours to find. If the reward is the only motivation for you. Yep, dead game. Move on.


Sounds like you’re beginning to understand why retail never stopped adding expansions.