Dear boulders of Black Rook Hold

I learned back in Legion not to use speed boosts up those stairs. I keep my camera slightly tilted to see up around that corner and strafe left or right as needed.

It took all of Legion for me to perfect that. lol

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Itā€™s okay, I also get smushed. Hover has launched me into some unfortunate aoes, and this is no differentā€¦


I actually do better with my druid and shaman because they are low to the ground and that increases the visibility of what you see around that corner immensely. My dracthyr and priest here are not so lucky.

Most of the time I avoid them. Sometimes though, I get flattened.


I just use that time to drink and go up when the boulders are gone lol.

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I got hit with one and died, clicked release and got hit apparently a second time somehow before I could even respawn, so the release window popped up again and it counted as two deaths :slight_smile:


The boulders make me feel washed up in this game now. In Legion I remember I used to Wraith Walk up that stair case without getting hit.

I dunno, maybe they made them faster or more frequent or something.

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Thatā€™s salt in the wound. I thought it was bad enough that I got taken out while sitting a couple steps away from the stairs trying to replenish my mana. Getting double murdered is extra irritating.

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They are why I dread this dungeon.

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I have a friend who gets hit SO often. Itā€™s funny to watch his health dip until he gives up, but man I wish heā€™d just wait.

I think some of this comes down to mouse sensitivities, sometimes. Said friend hasā€¦ ludicrious mouse sensitivity. Mine is very low, because Iā€™m used to playing FPS games and I use a lot of mousepad space. Smaller adjustments very easy for me.


I just ran heroic lvl 45 Legion BRH on my hunter to see if thereā€™s noticeable difference. They have definitely increased the speed and the number of the boulders coming down. I literally had 0 issues getting up that staircase. The regular dungeon mechanics seem snail pace slow in comparison to whatā€™s going on w/ M+.

So you are not washed up. Our perception of them being easier to avoid is accurate.


Itā€™s a quote from the coach in the Oscar winning film called Dodgeball

Jk, it didnā€™t win the Oscars.


This happened to me as well!


Me and my group were doing our first run of this last week. When we got to the boulders, we had just left archer purgatory! I was like ā€œWe managed to get through the Demon Hunter Lady, this partā€™s easy.ā€
I donā€™t remember them going so fast!

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ok after doing this numerous times on different characters during timewalking this week there is definitely something different on mythic+. did not get hit once at all but sure enough back to mythic+ and hit and crushed. i can understand dying due to them hitting harder but its like they are bigger than the graphic shows and taking up more of the hallway so if you are close to them at all you get tagged.

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The boulders are for sure the most dangerous part of that dungeon in key levels Iā€™ve done so far.


I like how the boulders stunlock you to death because that totally makes sense. Bonus points for how the frequency of the boulders increase in M+. Feels like Iā€™m playing hard mode on a rhythm game.

Love it pretty much guarantees at least 1 death per run.

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Have you tried not getting hit by them?

Have you tried reading comprehension and realizing I meant anyone in the run dying?

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We should be able to target them, Charge, and have that SMASH the boulder!

And doing so resets the cd of Charge.

THAT is how Warriors should play.

Imagine ā€œheyā€¦ weā€™re doing BRH, bring a Warrior so they can smash the bouldersā€, instead of: ohā€¦ pfftā€¦ a Warrior is in queue, they bring nothingā€¦ move along.