Dear boulders of Black Rook Hold

I can do the entire timeway in gauntlet fine but the boulders its definitely the camera narrow angle. Thats what kills most people. :cloud_with_rain:


Itā€™s an unfun player vs. camera boss encounter.


Iā€™ll fill you in on a little secret to getting past the boulders. Move out of the way when they are coming!


Agreed. I zip through the timeway gauntlet successfully at about 80% success rate. You can see everything far better to make evasive decisions as needed.


You are not alone my friend!

Nintendo was never my strong suit, I donā€™t like any of these mechanics


My secret is to just let the class role that can survive a boulder or three to the face get to the top and make it safe. Works every time. :wink:


Cats, shaman, and rogues are supposed to sprint up the stairs for other people.


Itā€™s either on one side or the other. I thought it alternated but maybe not.

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Hey. Donā€™t count out DH with their massive jump or you with your heroic leap, pally with sparkle horses, mages with blink. Heck even hunters can aspect of the cheetah. Again, for me itā€™s not about the speed or the strafing, itā€™s just the camera and visual cut down that defeats me.

Use your mouse right button to keep your camera at the center of the stairs, just a bit off so you can see incoming boulders, then just strafe left->center, or right-> center. Always return to the mid ASAP.

Itā€™s very simple.

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It doesnā€™t seem to have a definitive pattern that Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s not just left, right, left, right. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t be having this issue if it was predictable :slight_smile:

If I could jump over the boulders I would. I actually relish in crazy acrobatic leaps like that. But the stairs are too twisty.

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did they rock you?

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Itā€™s either one side or the other, so you justā€¦react. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Or wait for a teammate to reach the top.

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Yes. And then they smooshed me. :sob:

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Dear Boulders in BRH:
Every decent Paladin player
(Paladins can BoP or Bubble, then steed up the stairs)


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a boulder.


its hilarious because we were doing a +16 and the run was FLAWLESSā€¦

Then there was boulders.

RIP 20 seconds.



Iā€¦ wait, who throws a wrench?
:wrench: :thinking:

As many mechanics and visual effects that make me die, the rocks in Blackrook never presented a problem. This post makes me smile and donā€™t take it personal, Iā€™m not gloating in the face of your misery, but I am happy that there is at least something in these M+ hell holes that I am successful at. <3