Dear Blizzard: Keep the Aesthetic Cash Shop Items Coming!

Nippys is a good guy. He just hates people that likes titanforging. My other alias actually came to an agreement with him and we started having better discussions. However some reason the forums is bugged and my name is lost to the void until it decides to cough it back up to me.

Dextermorgan, I said i was gone until expansion…but I got tricked and they delayed right after I subbed -.- jerks.

More Mog on the shop!

Also I find it cute when people say add more mog to the game like they’ve collected the majority of what’s already in the game :rofl:

Yikes I ain’t seen you for a while, how you living

Also LFR gives items equal to mythic 0s, not heroic

Well, I’m not in beta so I go purely by second hand information. If that is true that is slightly better then what I had feared. Still a short progression path though. I’ve been good but likely to go away again when sub ends until expansion hits -unless they trick me again with another delay-

This forum is toxic, people report you for disagreeing and I don’t care to deal with the hassle anymore lol.

I am, same as now mythic0 give LFR quality loot!

Always with the moving of the goalposts.

The battle pets are not just cosmetic reskins, thus they break the “rule” of cosmetic only.

Gold buys Ilvls and many other desirables and even carrys, destroying the normal reward structure of the game. This is not a cosmetics only issue. I am not even going to address the ridiculousness of not seeing the difference between official gold selling and black market gold selling.

Levels are also in no way cosmetic.

Yeah, I always been against the level thing. In honesty though the level squish likely shot those sales. Leveling can be done in less then a day pretty easily now. It feels much more fluid as well. Level 15 to 25 being the worse. But after that a talent every 5 levels is pretty nice.

Blizzard can’t be this money eating devil everyone tries to make them out to be though. They are making plenty of moves recently that is costing them money. The level squish, and the free gender change thing. Plus making allied races open to everyone without rep requirements . Lots of people was changing factions just to unlock races with a short cut.

Where are you going with this, Copperfield?

I hope to god you’re posting this ironically. I mean no sane person would simp for a cold greedy corporation would they?

A corporation that underpays its workers, a corporation that makes staff cuts after boasting about record profits, a corporation that treats its workers as replaceable cogs in their machine, a corporation that serves to fatten the wallet of bobby kotick (who is already a billionaire) meanwhile the staff under him have to choose between eating or paying rent.

No… clearly no sane and humane person would simp for that.

Blizzard makes more than enough money from monthly subs and expansion sales. If they can’t make a profitable game from those two huge and constant sources of income, then maybe they shouldn’t be in the games industry. (It’s a trick question… they can and they do) but in the endless game of late stage capitalism they just need more and more money. No matter the cost of human suffering and extortion of their own customers.

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You guys always say this. At what dollar amount is enough

Yep lets keep making this topic over and over again so these people can argue more about a stupid cash shop item.

Ffs both sides of this coin are just as toxic as each other.

You’re all wrong.

I disagree, the other side is slightly more toxic. Nobody is spitting on people for not buying the transmog. But people are being spat on and treated poorly for buying it.

Theres groups of people planning out how they will make up stories about them being spit on.

Both sides are just as toxic.

Also its a virtual game.

Me typing /spit on you is harmless. Get over it.

People expect Blizzard to eat the losses that come from increases in wages and other costs of maintaining a living game. All they see is they pay 15 dollars a month and an expansion. They don’t see that cost hasnt changed even though the cost of production has.

And me giving someone the finger is harmless but even harmless things have meaning. And those meanings are toxic.

Fair enough.


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You giving someone the finger is a physical gesture that exists in the real world.

You’re delusional if you think that someone typing /spit in a video game is anywhere close to the same as flipping someone off.

It’s just as toxic to make up stories about being kicked by people in game to get people on forums to argue about it.

Its just as toxic for you to sit here and tell people Blizzard needs money for wages when their CEO makes 30 million dollars a year.

Its just as toxic when someone kicks someone in game for wearing it.

Its just as toxic when someone harasses someone in game for wearing it.

None of these things are okay, and you’re so busy arguing things emotionally that you’ve completely thrown any sort of logic out of the window.

Blizzard made 6.5 billion in revenue last year. Stop pretending they need to add these things into the game to save someones job. They just laid off 1000 employees in the last 2 years while they were profitable.

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A business isn’t a charity operation. This game while its primary function to you is your enjoyment. Your enjoyment isn’t why it’s made. Just like any other product when the cost of creating it goes up the amount people need to pay is adjusted in some way. In this case it’s cosmetics instead of an increase in subscription fee. It doesn’t matter how much money they make. Just because they are making good money doesn’t mean they should have to eat the cost of those changes. That is just a poor way of thinking. They don’t owe you or anyone else any favors.

Sad to see so many people supporting the addition of Transmogs into the shop…

Seriously guys, the more you allow them to get away with stuff the worse its gonna get.

And to all of you saying you can just pay it with gold or get for “free” if you had the sub, its the exact same has trying to add a sugar coat to something bad.

The transmog will stop being promotion and just be a 20 dollar item in the end.

Remember, the game already need to be bought, pay each expansion, and pay monthly, adding MTX on top of it is just being greedy, specially considering the prices and no, not everyone has the time to farm gold to pay with it.

I usually find it when people call someone greedy, it’s usually because they themselves are trying to be greedy. It’s sort of the same with people calling people selfish. Every single time it’s because of their own desires.

To make it clear, that isn’t a bad thing. That is just how captilism works. Greed makes the world go round.