Dear Blizzard: Keep the Aesthetic Cash Shop Items Coming!

The cash shop is cancer no matter what is on it. Every addition makes the game worse.


Thought gear ilvl was the reward. Or titles, or stuff like Scarab Mounts.

How so? It is easy to make an assumption but I would like to hear some sort of reasoning. Or is this a just because I say so thing?

No one has ever said it is.

WoW has dominated the market for 16 years. Itā€™s fine. And what ā€œimprovementsā€ are you even talking about? The cosmetics themselves? They donā€™t improve anything. Yeah it is a good business strategy for them. Itā€™s low effort and makes a ton of money. No one is faulting its effectiveness. Their criticism is that itā€™s slimy and gross because we pay a subscription. I take the same issue with amazon, where I pay for a streaming service and half the movies on the home page require an extra fee to watch.

Donā€™t be so damn naive. ActivisionBlizzard are a multibillion dollar company that avoids paying taxes like the plague. Its CEO is considered one of the most overpaid in america. They are beyond thriving. These business practices are purely for driving profit growth for the sake of shareholders. Thatā€™s it. Youā€™re not helping keep the lights on, or pay for the artistā€™s catā€™s medication.

All that said, Iā€™ve got no issue with people who buy the stuff and enjoy it. Itā€™s their money, their game. If youā€™re having fun and feel like youā€™re getting value for money then thatā€™s awesome. Weā€™re all consumers after all. But itā€™s the defending of the motivations behind this stuff that disgusts me.


Iā€™m thinking more Titans myself. Specifically Starfire.

And I mean classic Starfire. (Iā€™m not certain even Lull would wear that, thoughā€¦)

Yum, boots are delicious!

They charged money for gender changes for YEARS! Making that an option in game just shows how much of a scam it was before. They are STILL selling boosts and gold, both are pay to win. The mini pets are also pay to win if they are the best pets for any given important circumstance (I donā€™t know, not my scene).

Even if none of this was P2W and it is, everything there should be earned in game for playing a fun game. Instead we get $$ trasmogs/mounts/pets and we still have to play the game in the state that BFA was in and the state that Shadowlands is looking to be in, not to mention the unfinished WoD(which had reward mounts moved to the store) and legion which was intentionally kneecapped and timegated to hell and back.

Why do you people WANT a bad product?

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Do you feel youā€™re not being rewarded enough for playing at the highest level?

People who complain about cash shop items are just bottom of the barrel trolls. Cash shop is fine so long as itā€™s remains cosmetics only. There is no reason to complain about something that literally has zero effect on your characters ability. Honestly these people are probably secretly more offended that itā€™s a fairy transmog and not a venthyr one.

I agree with this 100% and is what I am saying.

Who knows how much they were making off gender swaps but it was something. They knew how much income a month they could expect. Same with boosts, the latest to 120.

To me selling those is much much scumier than making transmogs.

With the new leveling squish they will be selling fewer boosts. With the free gender swap they will be selling none.

If it takes a few new cosmetic items to replace that income I am all for it.

Having played Korean MMOs that charge real money for bag space and character slots I have zero issue with monetizing content they otherwise wouldnā€™t have made, rather than pulling basic functions out of the game to charge for it.

Are people doing the hardest content getting terrible rewards?

In shadowlands from what I can tell. People doing the hardest content are getting the only rewards. Iā€™ve not seen much in line for the casual gamer this expansion. Removal of titanforging is a huge blow to the people not doing the hardest content. Dungeons below mythic really donā€™t offer anything. And LFR gives item rewards worse then heroic dungeons. Soā€¦

Every single time they do these dumb promotions we slam blizzard for it

Their aimed a whale that canā€™t help but spend money on stuff for some reason and people find these things to be predatory business tactics

We also donā€™t like when they use fully unique models for things like this then reskins for meta achievements in game


Ah and with that I now find you not worth of credibility

Good day

Just because asian MMOs are worse does not make this ok. That is some messed up logic that is entirely abusable by treating you badly, then treating you worse and expecting you to like it.

Better rally the boys because gold, levels and battlepets are not cosmetic only.

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Are you going to say I am wrong and that people doing the hardest content are not getting the only rewards?


While Iā€™m ok with a cash shop, I still think playing the game at the hardest level should give the best rewards. Are those needs being met?

I honestly could argue with that but I suppose I can see your point. Personally donā€™t see them more then cosmetics though. Battlepets are really just a side game that doesnā€™t really progress your character. Although I suppose people super into pokemon might feel differently. Gold has always been a thing, only difference is Blizzard is getting the money instead of people that steal accounts. Would you rather we go back to the days where gold sellers was spamming the channels more frequently and accounts got hacked more?

Almost all of that was wrong so you donā€™t get credibility

I guess that really depends on how you define best rewards. If its by cosmetic items then really the answer will always be yes and no. As such a reward is purely subjective.

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Lol, quitter. Step into the ring :heart_eyes: