Dear Blizz: please merge WRA n MG

this exactly. i have seen this since cata and no one really has explained it ,it’s just…there.

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From under the hair dryer

To each, their own!
Daintily sips a cooling beverage in a vain effort to get a hold of himself

I know this isn’t going to be popular and I can understand why but this is something I’ve thought about a lot.

With how the populations are on the servers having them merged together would open up a lot of rp opportunities for both factions. Like even more population to draw from for large rpvp events and big events like ToA.

It would be so cool seeing what the community could come up with having more rpers around.

The only problem is both servers have a high population which could be an issue.

On a side note I play on both a lot and I really don’t get the whole atmospheres are different thing. In my rp experience it’s been about the same, the only real difference is Goldshire. And even then Goldshire is pretty overrated with the vast majority being bored trolls and a pvper hangout. In my opinion realm rivalries only hurt the rp community.



get over your damn dramas, you’re only hurting the servers either way cause of what seems to be stubberness about past conflicts.

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Calmer now; he speaks…
It’s not really hatred or even rivalry, dear; we’re just so…different!
and we like it that way!
for example, are you able to imagine what the average WrA RPers’ reaction is going to be , when they enter the Lion’s Pride Inn for the first time?
Holds up the empty glass SHA-reeene, darling! More tea!

A while back, Moonguard got overcrowded with characters so blizz opened up free transfers from Moonguard to Wrymrest-Accord to alleviate some of the server stress. Problem is, WrA’s RP community is super tight-nit and really resented the sudden flood of Moonguard players. Combine that with Moonguard’s less that savory reputation and it went downhill really fast.

As for the other side, Moonguard resents WrA mostly because of the animosity the server shows towards them. It just builds on itself until both servers have come to a mutual hatred.

During the prepatch, a Moonguard guild led a set of raids on Orgrimmar that were aimed less to kill Sylvannas than to lag out the server. They went on for days at a time and made going in and out of Orgrimmar impossible for nearly a week. That’s not the kind of thing that makes people more willing to set aside their differences.

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The WoW Servers still seem as shaky now as when everything launched. A pop of 500,000 players on a single server would be hard to manage unless Blizzard introduces some new type of servers.

But keep MG and WRA separate please. However the smaller RP servers could use some merging.

Embrace us

Sure WRA doesn’t want our Goldshire.

It’s fascinating to me when I hear about how superior and clean WrA is, but they have just as many… oddballs. Only difference is that there’s more horde than alliance I think.

WrA has it’s seedy, icky underbelly too.

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Make me


I have characters on both. Alliance on Wyrmrest Accord. Horde on Moonguard.

I think such a merge would be game breaking and personally, I would quit.


The issue with that is that we have no idea what “full” is supposed to mean. The server population designation changed overnight across all servers during Legion several times. And I’m sure it wasn’t a matter of all servers suddenly having population jumps on the same day.

If you tell me it’s crazy busy in BfA content, and you’re not seeing non-RP realms, I’ll take your word for it. But as a 110 I play mostly Legion and older content. I rarely see another player of either faction in the Broken Isles, in Argus, or in other older content when I’m playing my Moonguard characters.

Every other realm I play on there are lots of players around in this content.

Moonguard is utterly dead in this respect. If you ghettoize yourself in end content you will not see this. But there’s no spillover of players into what is still desirable old content. Leveling a character I rarely see other levelers or high level players.

I am now seeing players from non-rp realms in the crz mix.

I saw this happening during wod for Horde Moonguard population. At the beginning of wod I rolled a Druid. There were lots of new players. By the time Tanaan had opened, all starting zones were dead.

Tanaan was busy, but the death of new leveling meant the Horde population was going to crash. It was only a matter of time. And now I see the same thing on Alliance.

Why on earth would they merge two full servers?


Our bellies are honey glazed and sprinkled with candy glitter. :wink:

Moonguard can’t handle the population it has, it does not need to be merged with another server.

Let RP die in this game, you guys are constantly asking for special treatment and now life support. Any activitiy that needs this (thinking of wPvP), should just be let die.

There is a reason for that. RPers, specifically asked to be kept separate from other servers in old content for their ‘communities’ sake.

Most WrA player’s reaction after reading your OP:


How about a resounding “no”? We like WRA the way it is.


god that is just so accurate it hurts…

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