Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera


My choices for alliance that would make up for horde getting Vulpera are as followed: Ethereals, Uncorrupted Arakkoa, and Sethrakk


For me either Half Elves, High Arakkoa or Sethrak would be great as an allied race for Alliance.


I still want hybrids added in.
Half-Elves for the Blue team, and Half Ogres for the Red team.

Aside from that, Ankoan, or Sethrak would be nice.


I was always able to mount using the arakkoa toy from wod, it even has /dance, this is definitely not new lol You were probably trying with the old model from the BC toy and not the newer one from wod with the updated model.

I just want to add too that I am against anyone that thinks high elves would be added as a race. I would despise blizzard for adding them as one because they are already a playable race. If people want to play a high elf, play a void elf or blood elf. If you actually look at the lore, you would start to accept that. Stop kidding yourself about wanting high elves as a race and change to wanting blue eyes as a customization option, because that is literally the only thing different. Void and Blood Elves ARE high elves, their eyes are just different.


As some other forum goer we know would put it:

Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!

  • Sure, they would have to nerf the heck out of the breath weapon so that it isn’t too OP, but if Draenei can have a small HoT they can use on anyone, why not a Drake PC with a small DoT?
  • Nice. Starts as a worgen-style ground mount form they gain at about the same time as the druids get travel form, then at lvl 60 (?) it gains flying when appropriate with maybe a racial glyph or something to turn it into a two person mount? Or maybe gains the two person mount thing a few levels after they gain the form.

This might actually be doable, but I have no idea what the Horde equal would be, unless it was another similar dragon?

If they make it a choice between Human and Nelf humanoid forms, (?) (for Alliance (dunno about Horde) This might actually be enough to lure be back to Retail.

Side Note If they make young two colors of young drakes playable I can not see the Red flight going Horde, even though Alextraza forgave them. I can see the Blue flight getting along with all of the elves in the Horde. So, maybe switch the color code this time, and give Red drakes to the Alliance and the Blue drakes to the Horde?

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Yeah, me too.

Saberon would be cool too. Tigers are my favorite animals. <3


I’m one of the few weirdos who really like Mechagnomes.

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Oh, wait…


I won’t ever be satisfied with WoW until we get Murlocs as a playable race!

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Playable Ankoan.

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Fatter and less popular is not better. It’s just more redundant, boring and unattractive.
If I see 5 kultirans during hours of play, I must have seen my daily quota.

The alliance has no use for a breed that has no value or similarity to the alliance. that would be like wanting to have blood elves in the alliance without dyeing them purple beforehand.

Some people in the horde would take their own eyes out if something like this happened.

I agree.

Lore has no value after Blizzard creates a purple blood elf, pretending to be a high elf. The most despicable thing about purple blood elves, is that they come from the horde like turncoats, being literally something discarded, like a bribe for the alliance to stop asking for High Elves that we continue to see in the alliance and that are less numerous than one crack squad of 40 blood elves, because blizzard created a lore that said that 40 dissident blood elves are more numerous than the more than 1000 we see out there.

Something that doesn’t inspire any passion or faction pride. Everything second-hand.


Popular or not it doesn’t change the fact that there was more work put into them than any other allied race.

And it doesn’t matter if they have more work applied to them if they fail to please the general public.

A lot of work was put into Edsel and Coke 1985. They remain a failure.


Well my point being for one that people like to complain how the horde got a new race and one of their main points is vulpera have more work put into them, which kultiran prove wrong.

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Vulperas received no more work than Kultirans and still were more valued by the players. Vulperas were a good commercial move that aimed to please a wide range of players.
Kultirans and junkgnomes received more work but did not fall in favor of the players, they were a poor commercial choice and received with disenchantment.
What the alliance received was a spoonful of sugar to help Aunt Blizz’s bitter medicine to be swallowed.

What the alliance received was the darkness that enhanced the light that was given to the Horde.

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You got a bee.
And an entirely new rig for KTs while all other allied races use existing rigs.
Just because they might not be your favorite doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Junk Gnome can also do a lot of animations that normal models can not do without warping the mesh in terrible, disgusting and terrifying ways. They are a precursor for new, once impossible races for the future.

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Yeah and it probably doesn’t help the Drustvar were 20x cooler and the wickerbeast men and druids and yet they went with 30 fat human alliance zones and forgot a gnomish teleporter to our own Allied race zone… While horde gets a boat. People all go oh woe, but these allied races were made for the world, Kultirans were made to be fat and greedy tollkeepers who threw you in jail out of pure greed, corruption, and blatantly 5 year old spottably Lady Ashvane Greed who has more in common with a greedy pig with makeup than a tall female dwarf.

Their druid models are nice, but so few people play them, but it doesn’t take a magical psychic to know that fat or ugly races like broken Draenei / fat ogre females / bowling ball rotund pandas don’t sell. So what made them think bowling ball humans with arms would sell?