Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

Ohh, I know. We could give all the furps to the Alliance. I’d be good with it. Not every member of the Horde likes furps. I personally find them to be too “notice me senpei”.

I think the Horde need Forsaken Kul’Tirans.


Happy to see all the Sethrak support here~ Arakkoa would be a close second for me, either would work!


Nothing will at this point.

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I’m naming mine Chamberlain!!!

In the event that you’re one of the other six people who play on Fizzcrank (it… does not have a server section on the forums anymore, LOL) don’t steal it.

One character per account and this is 200% reasonable.


I have alliance and horde on the same server, there is no conflict of interest for me.

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Realistically… Ankoan.

Adjustments to the Worgen and Velfs. Alliance love to roleplay with things so let them roleplay with that which makes worgen worgen and velfs velf.

Let worgen stay in human form in combat. Let wolf form be a toggle that buffs some attributes at the cost of others. Let them pretend that they are trying to control the wolf inside.

Same with velfs. Let them toggle the void off and on, with it also buffing some stats at the cost of others. Let them walk around stormwind as high elves with purple eyes who act like they can go super saiyan.


Alliance already got something better than vulpera called Kul’Tiran. Alliance doesn’t need anything else.

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Lol :laughing:.

I would personally like a new race, be it tortollan, ankoan, or arakkoa.

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Sethrak would make up for it.

Those are already playable.


Give Alliance mogu. They lack in (cool) brutal looking races.

Glad you asked. The answer is simple:


  • The big flying kind with a breath weapon.
  • player version doesn’t need to be huge. A small horse-sized dragon half the size of a flying mount is sufficient.
  • Should be able to take off and fly with its wings when not in combat.
  • Must come with ability to polymorph into sexy Alextrazsa “elf” form. Like how Worgen can polymorph into human form.

Wouldn’t think of it, babe :wink:

Realistically, High Arakkoa, Broken Draenei, Jinyu/Ankoan, or Saberon. Then give Void Elves the option to have High Elf skin tones with all the customization coming in SL.

In a dream world, Sethrak. We only had a 15 minute interaction with them and then did the exact same dungeon Horde did to save their loa, so unless Blizz shoe-horned a reason in I can’t see them going Alliance.

I don’t like the Vrykul suggestion as much just because we already have humans, short humans, shorter humans, dog humans, fat humans, and now shorter humans with mech limbs. Big muscle humans would just be too much for me.


I don’t mind mechagnomes honestly. But I wouldn’t play one. Regular gnomes are better imo.

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Alliance needs cool races outside the norm, Aarkkoa and Sethrak would be the best imo. Otherwise we can always pull the High Elf emergency button but I’m sure that will start Forum War 51823rd or something.


I think Vrykrul would be a good (neutral) race, Northrend ones go to Horde (they dont like humans and kind of aligned anyway via Sylvanas) and Stormheim ones go to Alliance.

Sethrak would be my go-to for Alliance, though, I was really hoping they would be paired with Vulpes.

That’s some hipster attitude. A mix of “I liked it before it was cool” and “how dare something new be popular”


You know Blizzard would give the Alliance something like the Tauren, but with a horse’s head since the devs are the other end.

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I’d play a giant horse race, not my first choice but its better than another 100-90% humanoid option.

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