Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

I would guess future quest they are working on needed the NPC’s to be able to mount. The good part of Blizz making NPC’s work like player models in the flexibility this affords them to easily do things. I don’t actually have anything against the bird people, but a single new action is a super super far cry as proof of anything. I hate to bring up Gilblins again but… if you take the models ability to do things like players, the Gilblins have WAY more going for them than the bird people. They even have a Heart of Azeroth animation and work in the cutscene. Does the bird people have that?

i would prefer 3 tauren in a dwarf suit

Well whatever they do, i love saberon and Vrykrul, but i would fking kill for a awesome feline or canine counterpart to the vulpera and Worgen. Sometime like a terrifying werebeast like this Skyrim Werepanther design or this surprisingly charming design of Husk from the Hazbin Hotel webseries just really pops out with colors and the creativeness. Something about a tall, lithe roguish feline armed with sharp daggers to the big and wild worgen and small and dosmetic Vulpera could be so much fun.

Also for feral form they could just get down on all fours and be so smol and adorbs and maybe even have a feral crossed with the demon wings glide passive, i love my winged kitties when i swap forms, feral kitties just look so much fun with wings!

h ttps:// (No Trust level 3 lol, cute smol angry hiss)


I mean Sethrak are consistently at the top of any Alliance allied race polls.

And Horde was vastly outnumbered until blood elves were added and became their dominant race.

But okay. It’s Alliance that’s shallow.

Sure, dear.


Look idc what faction gets what. I just want Playable Hozen! I know they will be in the horde…because they already are… I just want to play as Hozen! XD

far as all the High Elf talk… just make it a Cosmetic Void elves AND blood elves can unlock. like the “night moon” (w/e its called) night elf skin.

id like to see them do another Neutral Allied race tho! like maybe the Tol’vir, or Centars (there’s 2 clans so 1 goes one way one goes other)

or a “Dragon Knight” class /race that can pick which faction. and picking which flight gives you a different “racial” bonus. that be cool!


Not having Vulpera makes up for the existence of Vulpera.

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Cat people (Saberstalker) race.


Vykruls or High Elves. Sure Mechagnomes add more flavor but if not even 1% of the population is playing it you know something is wrong.


I like how you quoted me, saw where i said like everybody rlse, but ignored it so you could post your childish anger.

Being on top of the polls means nothing fyi.
Being the top at 20% means 80% want something else.

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That’s…that’s not how statistics work.


They already have a couple models from that druid glyph they scrapped.

And they even said it was druids doing that that makes lycanthropy.

So can I get a QED?

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Sethrak. :snake:

They’re coming in Shadowlands.


Honestly if alliance doesn’t have anything new as a prospect, it’s 100% Blizzard’s fault. They made the Horde continent have TWO new races they interact and gain rep with, yet the Alliance continent is all humans, and it’s not even like it was necessary considering two of our 3 reps aren’t even about the human houses there.

The Alliance is in trouble by Blizzard’s design and I doubt they didn’t see this coming.


Strongly disagree. Broken draenei would already be distinct from the other two draenei subspecies due to the fact that they would have access to druids and rogues. A third draenei race with access to paladins would be overkill. Man’ari would largely be a color-swapped texture whereas broken could have two distinct poses a’la the orcs, have entirely unique “hair” options (exclusively tendrils), and their faces are radically different.

Broken would be so amazing and I want them very badly :disappointed_relieved:


Yes…yes it does.

If I have 100 people, and 20 of them vote for high elves and 80 of then.pick other options, then it means 80% what something else besides high elves.

What they specifically want varies, but by no means does being the most popular mean that it is what the majority desire.

Honestly i am not sure Blizzard is up to the challenge of fixing the problem.

They justified giving the Horde Night Elves while at the same time being unable to give the Alliance High Elves…all they could bring themselves to do was give the Alliance pretty art assets and pull a “crack squad” of Blood Elves out of thin air with a 5 breadcrumb quest line to “create” them. They then had them do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in an expansion with void all over the place, just think about that for a moment and let it sink in. Additionally they have kept Alleria as a High Elf and left the Silver Covenant just sitting in the wind while justifying 2-3 dozen individuals as a “race”.

Not sure how or where you came up with this but i highly doubt it.

The imbalance of AR’s at this point is so lobsided i am not sure it would be possible to “make up” or fix it.

And honestly the Horde shouldn’t have to suffer or get lesser races because the devs are too busy sitting in meetings smelling their own farts on recirc patting each other on the back for how great the Horde AR’s are while giving the Alliance left over ideas and things that make the playerbase mad as “compromise”, or just flat out handing the Horde almost everything they have ever asked for while thumbing their nose at the Alliance with pretty art assets that then don’t do anything.

Hell LFD have a freaking SPACE SHIP that just sits there while the Alliance gets owned…Alliance writing at it’s peak. Did the LFD even make an appearance in BfA, nope. They were introduced and then just pick their nose for 2 years while their “faction” is busy getting destroyed and lead to oblivion by it’s moron king who can’t stop holding the Horde’s hand while refusing to help his own Allies in their most dire moment.


Murlocs /10

Sethrak, I’ve played worgen for awhile now but race change in a instant for the snakey bois.


As usual, you are dishonest in your statements. For all the crying alliance did with nightborne going Horde, they ignore the entire story that makes nightbirne different from night elves.

Oh, but they are mad that the high elves are too purple. Double standards everywhere.

Ooh and if we get a ffing monster beast race or Massively muscular Vrykrul for the power fantasies i would LOVE a powerful or alliance bloodlusting/berserking equiv on the original berserkers, what better place to put it? Look at Kratos and Thor and the Norse and Skyrim, epic, manly berserkers, and i love the Norn from GW2 who could serve as a great inspiration for their bolsterous tales, hunting festivals as part of their culture, and massive, massive cozy log cabins in the frigid north, it’s a great combo!

Look at worgen, aweseome story, but a racial that makes them WEAKER than a gnome and ally minmaxers technically having Mechagnomes being a ‘best damage’ doesn’t keep anyone wanting to play a diaper gnome, lets have cool racials on a cool race to make up for the other 5 and zandalari/Belves/Orcs/Goblins! vs the … When’s the last time anyone’s seen a draenei for dat 30% heal vs a zandalari 100%?? :slight_smile:

If we get Vrkyrul i want awesome epic muscle / JoJo men like Kratos and Thor and the ancient vikings and Norse! Ooh, the hunters could have giant white frost wolves or the wolves of Northrend and have 3-4 pickable racial choices like the Zandalari like!

o Blessing of the Thunder god!:
o Heart of the Storms: For the next 10 seconds, spellcasting on the run doesn’t break casting and the range of all abilities are increased by 20 meters for it’s duration. Increases your melee, ranged, and spell haste by 17.5% for 10 sec, but 5% of all damage done backlashes against the player.
o RAGNAROK-AGEDDON! : EXPLODE WITH POWER, drawing all nearby enemies into a powerful vortex that sucks them in and stuns them while the player spews fire every 0.5 seconds to all nearby enemies!
o Boring mc Boring person: Get +1% Versatility of your favorite stat and you heal 2x faster from hearty meals that give a well fed buff.

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