Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

They wpuld have been as popular as pandas.

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Sylvanas the wise?


Another healing class for Gnomes or Mechagnomes would be nice since we (and Goblins) have fewer than any other race.


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I know this is crossing a fantasy line in WoW, but how about a new class not just a race that is like blue mages of FF.

As you defeat monsters you gain their spells and some abilities.

That was only a tragedy for everybody else who wasn’t as wise.

Can restore life to the dead? Cool.

I dont understand this mentality of blizz needing to make up for something?

Other than the horribly pointless grinds associated with the ARs there isnt any issues with them, they dont need to be equal on both sides. They needed to add more customization, which they do. Sure blizz could eventually add something to entice people to come back to alliance but this thread is over blowing the situation hard lol.

Honestly though Even if they did add some amazing alliance AR it would be a bandaid fix only and not actually fix underlying issues that caused faction imbalances. They could prob look at racials more to do this and allow cheap faction swaps on certain realms like they do free server swaps sometimes, merge servers that are only one faction ( so alliance heavy server is merged with horde heavy server, etc.

They just need to add the skinny KT as an option for people who have issues with chonky strong humans. They are unique and can be druids/sham. Unique like the vulp. The rest are easy reskins.

No great i justice was done to the alliance
players here other than forcing us to grind a horde alt to unlock the extra customization options.

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I hate the fishes. The only place the ankoan belong is on my plate. With a nice orange sauce.

I hate the fishes, and I hate their zone. That place was a nightmare and I’m never going back. I don’t care that I can fly now.

Also, nobody cares about the furbolg.

Dreadlords? Oh hell naw. Only place they belong is in the dirt with a steak through their heart (though I might be confusing them with vampires)…

I was so hoping for Mechagnome shamans to have that kind of techno healing thing going for them with the elements since there was that cool weather gadget in mechagon.

Or, Mechagnome paladins, because anytime I see a race that can be a priest or a warrior, I’m always like, why not boys?!


What if it was Jinyu instead? You’d have a reason to go back to Jade Forest.


:cut_of_meat: :hocho:

Trick question!!! The answer is, quite literally, nothing.

They could’ve gotten Mechagnomes and we Gilgoblins (what everyone keeps recommending instead). “Well of course horde got their 8.2 allies! Alliance don’t get theirs. The Ankoan are way cooler, but of course, the alliance gets shafted! Slap in the face!!”


There is nothing to make up for.

Mechagnomes are better


Sounds like you’re…

…barking up the wrong tree.


This does not matter. The Gilblins can mount and they weren’t made an AR.

Honestly? High Arakkoa, all would be forgiven.


Some Alliance complaining is unjustified and I have found a FEW instances of Alliance favouritism but we clearly made out like bandits in the AR department while they got shafted.

The few instances of Ally favouritism are usually very minor and bizarre.

For example, the Alliance gets their Darkmoon Faire in their capital. But why? It’s not really impactful nor is it explicable.

The Alliance also doesn’t have to dismount and run into a cave to pick up their Nazjatar dailies and I also feel their base is more centrally situated.

But again, minor, minor stuff.


Vrykul would actually be a good allied race though. Giant humans inspired by Norse mythology is super cool. Combined with Arrakoa, it feels much more equal than the Mechagnome/Vulpera situation.

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Thats a joke.
Alliance made it.out better overall.
Case in point nightborne

Right, but it’s still very, very weird that the Outcast Arrakoa model was only recently made able to mount.

It’s good evidence that Outcasts will happen but I’m not claiming to be a prophet or anything. I stopped doing that after I burned the world pre-cata by talking about crows.

Mechagnomes could have been neat. But the lack of xmog and ugly robot parts really hurts them. And class options suck.

It could have had all sorts of gimmicks with the robot parts. The borg, transformers, power rangers, gundam, transhumanism, ironman, robocop, terminater and so much more. All parodies mechagnomes could have used. But blizz failed to capitalize on any of it.

Even mechagnome druids with robot animal forms and glyphs to have vehicle forms to parody transformers would have been amazing.