Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

Yes. Would be cool for knight characters.

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LoL. The only shallow one here, is you.

It was never “your horde” to begin with.


Lirtwa: Yes

Everyone else: No

Lirtwa: Clearly everyone else is the problem


I’d have been happy with furbolgs, which are neither. And they’re practially a shoe-in for the Alliance given their history co-existing with the night elves and the Horde’s recent wanton destruction in their homelands of Ashenvale and Darkshore.


The sad thing is that even Horde4Lyfers like me can see the Horde bias here.


I just don’t think there’s much existing that fits.

For the Alliance there’s Vrykul and that’s about it for the obvious inclusions. And they’re going to take some fandangoling to make fit so they’re far from “obvious and a total shoe-in”.

It’s why I think we need to start thinking about shadowlands tie-in ARs. Something completely brand-new that can help catapult us into the next expansion. It gives the most freedom to the devs to make what we actually need, and in the case of the alliance what we need is a competitive race that’s also good-looking enough to make people think twice about rolling horde for all of the outstanding recruitment advantages.

High Arakkoa.

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Oh, I agree. Just couldn’t help posting that. :smiley: I’d love Saberon and find em really cool looking. I liked being able to have some as followers in Warlords.


Satyrs, with a corrupted druid class.


Naga, Sethrak, or maybe Gnolls. That’d fix it for Vulpera, but we’d still need to cover for Velves not being high elves. We’d also have to dispose of mechagnomes.


I’d play that

Furbolg, Dreadlords and the fishes could work as direct inclusions to the Alliance. But yeah it’s most likely something new.

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I already get to play a Mechagnome, we’re totally even!




I’m not sure I agree, but you make it look good.

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We will get another human whose racial mount is a horse.


Oh gross, I hope they don’t give us another straight human race, I’d much rather see a tortollan or tuskar in the future. And it’s funny, the same thing happened with allied races that happened last time lol. Look, here’s a rep you’ve had exalted for months or more with the horde and here’s the later faction the alliance must get to exalted to get theirs =P.

Like, I totally made a mechagnome, but they’re not nearly as unique as Vulpera. And if you go back to druids, the Zandalari forms have so much more detail and flavor than the kul tiran druid forms have. It’s insane how uneven it was in terms of flair.


Considering what reps we are grinding right now.

It seems reasonable mogu are a canadate and maybe uldums centuar cat people. But a nonpidel race would be tricky.

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They are. When they can’t appreciate the good thing they have, to the level that they think they deserve to be compensated? It’s pretty disgusting.

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I wanted to play a cat-taur since I saw them.

Don’t know if it’s possible, though.

Did you forget it was a Horde character who feels so bad about being overcompensated in terms of ARs that they made this thread?