Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

Vrykul, sethrak, murlocs, high elves, and centaurs for alliance, and nothing for horde.


Nah, Blizz has been pretty great with the anthros.


would still find a way to cry out horde bias tbh

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Nobody asked for Mechagnomes. They’re a crappier looking version of an already underplayed race. And before you go throwing the word shallow out, keep in mind that your faction of noble savages most popular races are the cute ones and the pretty ones.


The ugly nightelf cousins ? cmon . . .they are ugly af , they dont look like the real nightbornes in suramar.


I always wanted to play a Ramakhen and I have a friend who says that tauric creatures can’t happen because reasons.

Mainly it would be too much work, but I really don’t see how.

You’d need a unique flight form and you wouldn’t be able to use mounts, and you wouldn’t get leg mogs.

I’m not seeing anything backbreaking there.

Don’t be foolish. If I were, why would I go after vulpera? No, I’m just a lone voice disgusted by the shallowness of the playerbase unable to appreciate a genuinely good thing because their vision only goes surface deep.

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That is precisely why I throw the word shallow out. My Horde has been overrun by anime bishies and furries.

As Saurfang put it so well. “I just want my Horde back.”


Fat elves, midget vampires, translucent slugs, slendermen, and a clown race.

Personally, I think this AR stuff is getting out of hand.


So even though the primary aspect of a race and the reason to pick it is how it looks… doing that… is shallow?

Okay. I’m shallow. I want races that look awesome.

Like Ramakhen.


Your horde died when Lothar died.

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Yeah it’s not Blizzard’s fault for giving Alliance something that all statistics show is wildly unpopular and poorly received. Definitely the playerbase’s fault for not trying harder to like them and pretend the races were equivalent.


NO CLOWNS! :grimacing: :angry:

They aren’t equivalent. Mechagnomes are superior.

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Let’s ignore the troll. In this case, a literal one.

Anyway. The Alliance should get Dragons, led by Wrathion.

What dragons you ask? experiments released from blackwing descend, who can’t be dragons most of the time so they have to keep their humanoid forms. Dragon form would be their racial.


Alliance doesnt want it unless its hot or super cute, just like everyone else.
God forbid they get something that isnt fanfiction bait.


So the Alliance race sucks again. They don’t need more humans. Of course, this is par for the course for Blizzard.


To what? The Borg?

Look, they’re a race that was not made out of meat, got cursed to be meat-formed, very sad that they were made out of meat, so they Borg’d themselves to not be made out of meat.

And also they hate the ones that Borg’s themselves too much, cause that’s bad.

You need some little bit of meat.

Worst explanation of a race ever. Reached six levels of contrivance. Should have exploded.


How about we can start attacking with our mounts. Or expand the whole WoTLK Argent Tournament with any mount.


I swear on everything that is holy, if i see one more post of someone crying about allied races.