Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

The issue isn’t vulpera. The issue is releasing them at the same time as Mechagnomes. A very popular and highly requested ar released at the same time as one that barely anyone asked for? There’s no way that was going to end well or help disperse the idea that Blizz favors Horde. Vulpera are the reason I leveled a horde side and grinded voldunai rep.


Make it a special race that is OP, shop only one allowed per account.

Honestly I play both sides and don’t care that much. I mean after all Alliance get the most beautiful working cities (Stormwind and others like Ironforge and Darnassus) whereas Horde get the most beautiful races (Blood Elves, Nightborn, Vulpera and well you know Zandalari Trolls :slight_smile: )

As a person who has to spend 40 minutes hunting a warlock and a mage table everyday for something better than pitiful 8k hps food, i envy the built in passive to be able to heal a touch under 20% of hp a second at demand lol. Esp for grevious weeks and burning through 160s of vendor foods trying to eat every tick lol.

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This COMES from blizzard. It isn’t a direct quote but yes they did say this.

They don’t literally believe they’re their characters, however.

What you say is true but the deeper truth is that we’re all their enemies.

I would LOVE to see playable Arakkoa for the Alliance, but I’m afraid to even hope for it… :worried:


Need uncursed WoD arakkoas! Birbs! :eagle:


So you’re basically admitting that the Forsaken are another flavor of Legion and they’d blight Azeroth until it looked like Argus?

I check wowhead and/or forums every month to see if Vrykul or High elves are making it into the game. Then I go play some more League, or whatever.

I think we’re going to get Val’kyr as a tie in to Kyrians. Blue humans is just too memeable, and instead of a horse they just wouldn’t have a racial mount at all, just a spell to sprout wings. That way they can say the bee mount was just to preemptively even it out. They can throw in extra skin tones and dwarf beards to check off the Vrykul box, like they’re doing with Wildhammer.

As much as I would like to see this, knowing Blizz, since it’s an Alliance request, they will give us the cursed Arrakoa and say we got Arrakoa so we should be happy.

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Blizzard said they are giving Alliance High elves…

Sorry Blizzard just called me and said they are canceling that and going full in on Sethrak after they move to Horde capital to the White Lady to set up the next expansion after SL: Special Space Orc Forces or SSOF.

It’s not a direct quote but they said it.

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Being finally able to skin Vulpera players to level up skinning might make up for it.

no. They said they finished all the pre planned allied races and would now be looking at fan requests for future allied races.

Tuskarr for the next neutral race~! Then Furlbog! Give Kobolds and briar suidae to Horde.

Let me quote again. Give us Vrykuls or stone giants.
Give the horde mantids. Cause ugliness do come with the horde on most races. Eg. Orcs, goblins, trolls, etc😂

Hmmm 95% of my play time is on a horde character, and i am ok with all the allied races so far other than MG’s. (honestly i think they just need more customization options)

I would say though for alliance… maybe Saberon ( would give alliance a full time fluffy race). Or Arrokoa even though the Zanda druids are basically Arrakoa (balance druids)

I read alot of threads and the coolest ones that have come to my attention are Sanlyn (sp?)… but they would most likely be horde.

Or a Bunny race for alliance…lol

High elves.
And h.elf options for voidys.