Of course a big chunk of it is whining about High Elves still. Those aren’t going to happen. And wouldn’t vrykul cause more complaints about the faction being too humany?
Arakkoa are updated to ride mounts. Maybe get them playable.
Give Horde mogu in return. Everyone’s happy.
Night Fae.
If the 4 special models previewed in Shadowlands don’t become playable allies, I will be shocked.
I mean you could start by taking these awful mechagnomes. Just be aware, they’re seriously not useful for anything. Not even Gnomeball, you’ll just hurt your foot.
There’s always going to be the obvious elephant in the room when talking about Alliance ARs that never happened, but ignoring that one for a moment…
The fact that Blizzard didn’t even seem to bother trying to come up with a way to make Sethrak work as a potential Alliance race is probably the single biggest missed opportunity the system has had. People were buzzing about them since before the expansion launched once it was obvious Vulpera were a Horde candidate, so it wasn’t for lack of time to consider it…
There are so many reasons I feel like the AR system was a total sucker’s game overall (but on Alliance especially), but that might actually be the biggest disappointment for me (yes, even moreso than the other one I won’t name).
Hope for WoD arakkoas yet?
Let us have them too, just like the pandas
I think alliance should get something like Tabaxi or Khajiit, to compliment Worgen lol
Vrykul would be so cringe. We already have dozens of humans with growth pots RPing as Vrykul on MG named Ulfar Ulfarsson or something.
The next Alliance race should be Ethereals. The Void elves are already allied with a cabal of Ethereals and could bring more into the Alliance, potentially.
Yes, I’m responding to a necro, I already knew that when I made the post obviously.
Mecha gnomes is still so funny to me. How did they get away with it? An entire race of diaper babies. Who greenlit it?
Sethrak /tenchar
We already got that horrendous quality with Mechagnomes, so spare us more pain.
EDIT: Titan-damned three year old necro! NECROING SHOULD BE A BANNABLE OFFENSE!!!
A 3 year necro???
Well, I guess its like a time capsule of where the forums were back then. I remember when Vulpera were being built but before their official announcement as a race, there was some interest in Sethrak becoming an alliance race. It makes me happy to see some of the concepts in those threads came to fruition with our Dracthyr friends, with a race so cool that even we couldn’t have dreamed it up at the time.
Life’s pretty good ^.^
(edited to link my Evoker, who just healed her first LFR last night. She’s kind of a big deal xD )
I wouldn’t mine playing a Furblog (sp?)
Feels like the field has been evened out now. We’re getting loud overgrown parakeets and they got burly alcoholic humans. And no one has High Elves or Murlocs yet. So we’re all kinda suffering in our own way.
A new race has been discussed? I hadn’t heard anything about that. Arrakoa, since you said overgrown parakeets? How interesting
Make Vulpera like the Pandas where they can choose either faction