Dear Alliance: What Would Make Up for Vulpera

Does that mean Horde finally get to ride the bee mount because apparently giving Alliance exclusive mounts while being able to ride the Horde stuff is the cool thing to do?

I want a purple Trex mount I could careless about bees

Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!

Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!

Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!

Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!
huffs Wheezes


They’re just more Gnomes and lets all be honest here. Everyone has always made fun of them. Including they’re own faction. Blizzard was silly to think that would change with the mechagnomes.

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Sure but in exchange your 5 10,000g unique model flying mounts and netherbats and wolves and hyenas get replaced with 5 horses instead, fair deal?

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Have you seen the Bee mount quest? Blizzard didn’t GIVE the Alliance anything. lol

Have you not stepped into the Valley of Honor or done a dungeon since the patch dropped? The number of them is overwhelming, at least half of them are super cringey, and god all the fox-related Roleplay Naming Policy breaking names.
Lemme guess, you’re one of the people that also defend “garbagerodent”, “baywatchhoof”, and “fishwheels”

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As much as it pains me to know the reality of it, there won’t be any more Allied Races this expansion.

  • 8.3 was cancelled.
  • The finale was a disappointment to every player, reviewer, and content creator.
  • The Mechgnomes are, unfortunately, here to stay, despite nobody asking for them (When they would have been better suited as Shadowlands customization).
  • Shadowlands Alpha content is being slipped onto the PTR.

Beta for Azeroth is over.


I dont care about High Elves and never have, but its dumb how Blizzard heard our cries for Helfs through all of Legion and decided to spit in our faces by giving us the Void Elves no one wanted or asked for. It pretty much guarantees that we’ll never get High Elves now.

So instead, I’d like Arakkoa. Both Light and Dark.


As a… uh… long time Alliance player, certainly not a Horde main in disguise, I think that the Sethrak would make a fine addition to the Alliance.

/shifty eyes
/sweating green


Would prefer the bee mount over fox ppl anyday

Why bother to say? Blizzard will never do it.

Ethereals, been waiting since TBC for them to be a playable race.

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Alliance Players…

All you need are Humans and Goldshire.

It’s all you really care about anyway.

The alliance deserve High Elves. High Elves should have a completely new model rather than re-skinned Blood Elves. But this will not happen. They decided already on Void Elves.

The Horde deserve Ogres. Not sure how that fits in lorewise, but thematically they just fit in so well.


big naked vrykul would be nice :sweat_smile:


Agreed - there is even a tortollan riding a horse in Tiragarde Sound, which I am sure was put in as a red herring.

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I agree with Veigar. The mechagnome are actually very good. It’s an “ugly” race with a good racial that keeps them competitive no matter what they choose to do. They are exactly what the alliance players wanted. :smiley: Meanwhile the Vulpera are awful at almost everything they do, but are very adorable in their attempts.


Horde got those too.

Vyrkul were already given the no because kul tirans are the closest thing to playable “giants” we’ll get.

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