Dear Alliance: I am not steak!

How about this? When the Tauren stop punting Gnomes, we will stop turning you into dinner. Sound fair?

Wellā€¦thatā€™s not an unreasonable request, I guess :slight_smile:

Sure, sureā€¦ calm down. Why donā€™t you have a seat in this nice marinadeā€¦errrā€¦bath and relax. Iā€™ll come check on you in about 24 hours. Iā€™m gonna run get some wood pelletsā€¦for our vegetarian meal Iā€™m preparing of course.


Just leave me the bones. I need some new chew toys.


Beef, itā€™s whatā€™s for dinner :beer:


the nativity (christmas) fast started for eastern orthodox types on thursday

the ones using the modern calendar, at least


The only Tauren who needs to be fed to the Alliance is Boi Bloodhoof.

FEED :cow2: TO :crown: :blonde_woman:t2:

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Everyone loves a nice fillet even an Orc!

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Have none of you seen ā€œLadyhawkeā€?




/moo :cow:

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You might not be steak, but I can still milk you.


A good cook would even create Stormwind Vagabond Savory Surprise, ā€œI lost my dollie, the little girl half bakeā€ , and even a splendid four course meaty binge of Forest Wolf, Naga flanks, and Baked Kobold Skewers.

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If you wonā€™t let me eat you, can you give me piggyback rides every now and then?

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SHAME ON YOU! He might be your long lost 3rd cousin!

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Fortunately I eat more than just beef. Venison is rather abundant throughout many parts of Kalimdor. Recently Iā€™ve also found that Troll flesh is surprisingly tasty to me, if a bit tough to chew. Sadly no spell or prayer to Elune can tenderize most Horde races quite enough.

Luckily after some time I have managed to digest undead flesh a little better and so my bowels no longer plead for their own sweet death. Unfortunately Iā€™ve yet to find a seasoning to make Goblins any more palatable. I have found that they are rather spicy when cooked in their own blood, however. Interesting but overall unsurprising.

Also this thread needs more attention.

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Tauren are friends, not food

Go Nancy! Daddy Frank would be so proud.
ā€¦I just massively dated myselfā€¦oops :flushed:

Lol Iā€™m happy you can actually give out emoji cookies now

I want a pet cow to name Betsy. Not to kill or something. Legit pet. Cows are so loving. Wonā€™t stop me from eating beef though :eyes:

Hey Alliance, keep your hands off our steak!