Deafening Silence On Shamans For The War Within

The way class design has been going lately. It honestly might be best if they left shamans alone. Give enhance a stun though for sure

I am kind of surprised Blizzard hasn’t at least said why Shamans have had no changes.

Don’t get me wrong, I kinda wish the Dev who keeps deciding Shadow Priests need a rework mid expansion and inevitably makes them worse would go screw up Shamans for a change. No one likes being ignored, but if it’s between that and another mid-expansion rework that sucks… feel free to ignore Shadow for the next 4 years.

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It’d be hard for them to make it worse.

I haven’t played a Shaman in ages, so I don’t know if it’s truly bad enough to roll the dice… but for Shadow, in 10.0, the community was largely united behind the idea: “This really isn’t bad at all - can we just get a cooldown change to 1 ability (Shadow Crash)?”

Instead, we got a full rework that made us far less mobile and, in subsequent hotfixes, we systematically lost all our utility. I’ve never seen what felt like a more deliberate attempt to gut a class that was frankly middle of the pack in 10.0. I didn’t even make it past the first week of raiding in 10.1 because I hated the changes so much (even if the damage was good).

But anyway, if yall roll that dice and get Dev attention (which I think it reached a critical mass… even r/wow got in on it with a banner change, so you are absolutely gonna get the light shined hard on you)… may you have better luck than we got.

I mean, elemental spams 1 button 70% of the time, has very situational utility and brings nothing unique, and weak defenses. So it’s really hard to get worse.

/gify my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable

Farseer really doubles down on the one button thing, with that third charge of lava burst you almost literally never run out of lava burst charges so you’re just constantly throwing those with the occasional spender.

I’m really hoping we’ll get a “before the weekend” note or update for shamans that’s somethings cookin, cause it looks like all the data mining amounts to very little T.T.

This is exactly correct.

And you expect it to be any different this time? I don’t.

What are those again?


He was right about that too. This playerbase needs to be told what is what some times.

The people I talked to who said this, didn’t play shaman, Everyone looked and was like, wow, look all those things you can pick up in your talent tree. Whereas if you were a shaman, you knew that your spellbook got robbed blind, and then all your abilities including the super niche ones you never use were sold back to you with talent points like it was something different.

Then they left us with capstones for our main tree so weak that one of them is a 2nd rung talent node for resto druids and it’s a better version of the spell, and the other two are just quality of life for totems which should already be folded in baseline anyways.

And the spec tree’s themselves are just flooded with two point talents to buy very little increase to healing or that add functionality that should exist already in spells and talents into them. So yeah, in DF if you weren’t a shaman looking in, you might feel like they had everything, but if you had all the tools before, you know what you lost.

Chain harvest was a great cooldown that was just trashed, we lost echo shock which gave us a little bit of burst with our shock spells we could weave in to fit the 30 second cadence and that was removed as well. It was, here’s your shaman again, but with less spells and options, have at it!

Why does shaman need a rework?Elementalist build is so fun

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You are wrong, particularly for Elemental.

We need defensives as Shaman more than anything.

It would take a rework before I’d touch my beloved Ele shaman again. DF has felt horrible to play as an Ele.

The lightning/electrified shocks build … sooooo not a fan of that ES window.

Lava burst spam making earthquake a nothing-burger for AoE … why even have the spell (except for that alignment of 15 stacks of whatever the heck it’s called AND a proc of a buff)

Mostly it’s the damage modifiers turning the rotation into “cast this spell which buffs this spell which buffs this spell unless you have this amount of stacks of this or a proc/buff of this then cast THAT spell” … nothing fun at all about the gameplay.

… and I really really hate electrified shocks. Really.

Elemental AoE really needs to be centered around CL & EQ.

Elemental’s most powerful cooldown doesn’t interact with literally one half of the tree for the lightning side with no way to change that and even when you go fully built into it, Ascendance is still a meh cooldown. The lava burst side had enough synergy that is stands on it’s own but the lightning side has very little and doesn’t work well because you’re constantly needing to use lava blast whenever it’s up.

Our AOE is capped so hard in other places that beyond 8 targets it’s entirely kneecapped, and the lava builds basically overtake anything else unless the tier set is powerful enough to make the other side viable again.

Our talent tree is a mixed mash of talents saying, use lava burst and you can buff this, or cast this and it can buff this, but it all centers back to lava burst and ice fury is there basically just as a crutch to prop up a talent node because it’s not strong in it’s own right.

And if you haven’t popped into Beta, Tempest is so bad, shamans are using a cancel tempest macro because lightning bolt hits harder than tempest does so it’s only useful in super heavy cleave fights.

There’s a ton of other things, in elemental alone that are just fluff talents and plenty of talents that need to be moved and reordered to make it a better tree and offer more build variety.

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I’m not telling you that Elemental is well built, there is a reason that I am not playing it. I am telling you that pre DF Elemental Shaman talent tree was universally loved and it looked promising. That Mage isn’t wrong when he says that. Mountains Will Fall was a much needed addition, shame that they didn’t tie enough damage to EQ.

I think that’s where my falloff was, a bit of a misinterpretation lol. Honestly, I’m not sure why earth shock and EB don’t baseline benefit instead of having to make a mountains will fall talent to begin with. It’s such a strange design that could just be folded in for something more interesting anyways.

I think shaman is the ONLY class I play where Id say, yup…fix it, lol