Deafening Silence On Shamans For The War Within

Elementalist Enhancement is basically the only form of the class that’s been consistently eating this expac, and even we’ve been getting served on the leaner side at a lot of points, and have completely run out of courses looking ahead to WW.

The storm build for enhance does though. So does ele in general.

Just chiming in that it’s really disheartening how long we’ve gone without a single patch note. There hasn’t even been a “we hear you” post like hunter recently got.

The most recent interview from Ion regarding “not adding more raid buffs” is incredibly tone-deaf. There are only two specs in the game that you don’t have a reason to bring to raid (of 38).

It really makes me wonder if any of the communication improvements they promised since shadowlands are even working (like the long abandoned community council). Gives me less hope/excitement for TWW for sure.

Looking forward to ele being a meme for another expansion.


I’m waiting for the BFA 8.l Bernie Sanders style messaging again, with them going “Once again, we are asking for you to wait an entire patch cycle for any kind of real changes and to make do with some small buffs to your ability damage/healing until then.”

I mean, I don’t like it, but at least it would be an answer. The other classes and specs are getting various forms of delicious cuisine like tacos, fajitas and some tapas and gazpacho but at least us shamans can enjoy the chips and salsa they offer everyone at the table, (The expansion) and the ambience of the restaurant while the kitchen staff decides if they want to cook another meal or not lol.

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They do what they want
When we say “that sucks, don’t do it”
They go “the community sucks, dont talk to them”

We dont suck. Were giving you customer feedback that many companies would kill for, youre just high on your own self regard.


What is the strategy here? If you dont say anything you dont piss people off?

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I don’t recall it exactly but I think it was the friday before when they told hunters they were cooking stuff, we’ve got 8 Fridays until early access maybe it’ll happen. At least they gave us remix so we could power level a ton of alts just in case <3.

I just want them to say if changes are going to be delayed or not, not just silence.

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Well the suspected timeline for the prepatch release based on something that said July 30th for the start time, gives 5ish weeks to maybe see some changes aside from healing tide totem come to shamans in prepatch.

I’m like, if we can make it into the prepatch notes, it’ll still give time to adjust and try out the new talents and get ready before the launch but if it’s not in the prepatch I can only assume that shamans would just get a numbers adjustment along with the other classes tuning and they’d call it a day for the foreseeable future.

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Well the maintenance window is going on for a while today, there’s gotta be something cooking, I don’t think it’s for shamans, but maybe warbands is so big it made it so they had to rework the whole launcher?