Shaman has been in desperate need of talent overhaul for a long time, and in the patch notes, every other class has had at least a touch up so far. They’ve released the prepatch notes with little to no changes which doesn’t leave the shaman community looking entirely optimistic.
The feedback post is almost at 500 posts with no pop in or feedback in any way and it has some crazy good and well formatted posts that address all the points they asked for such as, talents not working, issues with hero specs, ways to clean up the tree, and pain points in regard to various levels of contents at various difficulties.
My two biggest pain points for me personally is that for elemental shamans and restoration shamans they have broken hero talents.
Tempest shamans for elemental are making cancel tempest macros because casting tempest in single target is a dps loss because tempest doesn’t interaction with elemental shaman mastery or any of the lightning bolt talents and we’ve still had no feedback on whether that’s intended. On top of that, it’s so slow and does so little damage it’s a huge wrench in the rotation as it stands almost negating the entire tree outside of guaranteed heavy cleave.
For restoration shamans, Farseer ancestors can only be triggered with Unleash Life and Ancestral Swiftness. The biggest issue with that being that unleashed life shared a node with Undulation which is shamans go to single target healing talent which means they can no longer take it as Farseer at all. There have been proposed solutions such as trigger undulation twice, which even using healing surge would only occur marginally faster than unleash life comes off cooldown if you were spamming it, which would tear through your mana.
Anyways, there’s a ton of feedback on shamans and the notes are mind boggling absence of changes along with any kind of bread crumbs or hints from the dev team such as “we’ve seen it and we’re working on stuff” or a sadder but still transparent message “Hey, shamans are fine, we’ve seen all your feedback and we’re not changing anything until 12.1 except a tuning pass again like in BFA” is depressing.
Might be the hallowed one succeeded with their bus? Now no one remains.
I’ve given up on Shaman. Been my main since MOP, mostly Resto and Ele, and I’m just done with the lack of care and attention… or even basic communication. Started taking my Evoker to raid nights instead. Evoker can basically do everything a Shaman can… but better.
Not sure if I’ll stay Evoker as my main for TWW… but I’ve certainly lost any interest in playing Shaman.
I was looking through the latest patch notes earlier. Seeing such a massive list of great changes, including more still for mages. Then I see it jump straight from rogues to warlocks and my jaw just dropped. It really is unbelievable at this point how little attention shammies are getting.
The dev for shamans probably wither quit or got fired.
I was hoping when they posted in the warlock forum we’d hear something in the shaman forum, but alas, crickets.
I’m just hoping there’s something cooking on the backend
There were classes that didn’t get looked at in time for DF also, that got their major overhaul during the expansion.
It’s not ideal but i mean Retribution still turned out absolutely game breaking and it hasn’t been fixed yet. The Rogue rework was solid.
Did any class that got a rework mid DF not turn out way stronger? I don’t think frost mages are grumpy about double comet storm and Ice Cold was pretty insane (although maybe irrelevant with Frostfire?).
Maybe this is a blessing for shamans.
I think my biggest concern for shamans it that all the concerns such as outdated talent tree and builds lacking serious diversity was a problem since DF. And now we couple that with hero talents not being fully functional.
I can hope and be optimistic that’s their plan, but even them saying “hey we’re gonna look at this later” would be better than a continual silence. The post in the beta thread is the most commented on thread, it was hunters but since hunters got a bit of a talent rework, shamans have surpassed and continue to climb past it with continual feedback going seemingly unnoticed lol.
A lot of classes don’t have diverse talent trees. Im not really seeing the need for a massive rework like monks yet.
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Quite the opposite, as those same “reworked” specs and classes are the same ones that have been receiving additional updates throughout this entire development cycle.
Shaman has received nothing. No response to feedback, no communication, no iteration, no tuning, no talent changes or point node adjustments, no hero talent updates, nothing.
Ret is not gamebreaking lol
And yet you went into DF with arguably the best trees while other classes had walls of 2 point nodes.
It does stink to not know whats coming, but I think you’d have to be nuts to believe that a Shaman rework wouldn’t happen in 11.1.5 if it didn’t materialize before 11 in the first place. You guys are dooming.
I’m speaking about defensive philosophy, I don’t think there’s a problem with their damage atm. Maybe it’s even low if you consider the lego pulling weight.
Have you not actually seen the shaman trees? We’re also full of 2 point nodes, many for incredibly low impact.
I mean, 2 points for 6 seconds off a 3 minute cooldown?
Maybe you need to re-read what I said. When the shaman trees came out for DF they were hailed as a success relative to every other class because they were overwhelmingly 1 pt nodes and because so little of the class tree was throughput. It was almost strictly utility choices, which people loved.
If you think shaman trees weren’t great compared to most other classes going into DF I’m not going to argue history with you. The moment they were released every other class pointed at shamans and said “I want that guy to do my spec please.”
I don’t think being well positioned going into DF justifies radio silence right now, I’m just saying the shoe has been on the other foot, and the specs that got mid-expansion reviews came out solid.
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they treat shaman like shoe and rock
and this what they have given us?
Elemental shamans who received a pass at the very beginning of DF alpha, only to never be touched again that entire cycle, would like a word. The class as a whole was also not leagues ahead in point budget and two point nodes as you are suggesting it was either.
“just shut up and you’ll get it later”
-someone playing a class that actually got worked on
Yeah my forum alt to avoid in game harassment must be a reflection of the classes that I main and the classes that I main invariably mean I hope every other spec is badly positioned for my relative success.
Why is everything class warfare instead of just human discussion?
Okay, dismiss the last comment then. Your point about budget is still wrong, and your “shut up and wait” comment is still extremely stupid. What now?
How bout you strike the “shut up and wait” because you’re putting words in my mouth.
Shamans have every right to make the noise they’re making.
If I say “maybe this is a blessing (because of examples where it worked out really well for others)” or “if it doesn’t happen, it’s likely to come very early in 11.1.5” none of that equates to “shut up.”
It means have some hope.