Deadmines = VC, not DM

correct is DMS since it’s South of Dire Maul.

Yep, no one goes to do DM and thinks dire maul. Everyone knows dire maul has wings.

If you want to do dire maul you say DME, DMN, or DMW.

DM is dead mines.

Always has been…



I’m reading this too on archive org. Though it seems there is no mention of Diremaul abbreviations. Or at least I haven’t found it yet.

And also this guide says TP is talent point. I always thought it was teleport.

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Dire Maul hadn’t released when the guide was written. The guide was based on beta (see old beta Crusader Strike and other abilities in the Paladin section).

This means VC was used to mean Deadmines pre-release!


On Release Dire Maul wasn’t finished. So Deadmines was DM.

I wasn’t until DM released that people called it VC, however some stick to DM (real OG players or the fact that it’s actually the letters for it)

Anyway have you tried Shift Clicking their name to show their level?



There’s something wrong with people who call VC “DM”

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It’s definitely a bunch of fake vanilla players trying to tell us what really happened.

:unamused: DM and VC were both used before Dire Maul’s release, including closed beta, and after Dire Maul’s release. I get annoyed when people act like only one acronym was used. Each server was different. Even different players had different meanings for the acronyms. I remember some players specifically listing DM instead of VC due to the level difference and not wanting to slog it all the way to the VanCleef.

I don’t know why people continually post this same topic as if they have some amazing new insight.

Correct. Saying “DM” for Dire Maul would be as dumb as saying “BRS” for Blackrock Spire. Both would leave out the information as to what dungeon you are actually doing due to the corresponding wing letter being absent.

This belongs in this thread.

Also, its DM.

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That one, while topical here, sucked.

Tremble before your new overlords.

Ok boomer.

Dang it, I was here to type in DMS, that I have jokingly said in game before. Yeah, it’s DM, always has been, always will be, for me at least. Especially when you in the zone and reading general, or in LFG you see level XX LFG DM, you do kinda know what’s going on.

And WC means Water Closet. That’s why the girls always go in a group to the bathroom. LFG WC!

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It’s contextual: If you’re Horde it’s Deadmines and Dire Maul is DM, in an Alliance city it’s VC and if you’re in Westfall DM is the outer portion and VC is full run.

Ok Naysayers…

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