Deadmines = VC, not DM

If I get invited to a group advertising as VC an accident may unfortunately occur in that group in my opinion.

DM has and will always mean deadmines
There are multiple reasons for this.

  1. Deadmines came out before Dire Maul
  2. When you run Dire maul you would never advertise it as just “DM”, it would be “DM East/West/North” so there would never be any confusion between the two.
  3. VC sounds dumb
  4. No other dungeon or raid has it’s abbreviation based on the final boss.
  5. VC sounds dumb

Oh good luck getting a group of 18-20s to a Dire Maul entry portal alive, especially in HC. Why, if you were forming a group for Dire Maul, would you not just spell it out to avoid low level players trying to join group thinking it’s Deadmines? I know if I were going there for any reason, I would be darn sure my chat shoutout left nothing to be confused about.

Some servers (mine included) back in the day called it VC and not DM. We were all noobs way back when. Since then it’s stuck with me.

So it’s VC not DM. I shall never change my mind.


TBH, either will yield the same results.

Who the hell is recruiting for Dire Maul in Wesfall? It’s called context clues.


lol that’s cute


It was VC… if you call it DM you’re a wrath baby… period.

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It went DM (first), then became VC when Dire Maul was released. At launch I do not recall anyone calling it VC… that was a later name.

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If you unironically use “wrath baby” as a term in 2023 then you got DN.

Deadmines was DM at release. Sometime after Dire Maul came out, some people started calling Deadmines VC. Still really early in the game.

Then it became the troll argument before people started linking Dirge, Blinkstrike and Thunderfury in chat, rickrolling or saying The Game.


thanks for the memory <3

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seems it triggered a response…

As did mine to yours.

surely you do not think we are on equal footing, here.

No, of course not. I’ve always considered you below me.

Aquila non capit muscas…

You can speak a dead language all you want as cope. You’re still below me.

As a day 1 player, Dead Mines has always been DM, always will be DM. When I talk about Dire Maul, I have always said DME DMN DMW and always will say DME DMN DMW. Super hard to figure out for you brain dead folk I know.

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It is DM, and people who say VC are incorrect. There’s nothing wrong with being incorrect or making a mistake. So, if you don’t mind being wrong, then continue to call it VC.

Those of us who are correct will continue to call it DM.

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